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PostCSS plugin to restore the way to resolve modules CSS Modules values paths that css-loader used before 1.0
Webpack loader to convert the output of the css-loader back to a string
Component for writing plaintext CSS in React apps -- isomorphic, scoped, FOUC-free, fully featured, CSS-in-JS
- react-style
- style-it
- react
- scope
- scoped
- inline
- embed
- embedded
- style-element
- style
- styles
- styling
- css
- classes
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Minimum size unique CSS class names generator
Provides short class name generator for css-loader with CSS Modules enabled
Speed up your Webpack build with lightningcss
babel 6 plugin which allows to use webpack loaders
Transform certain types of `import` statements into noops that declare empty objects.
Css class name generator for webpack's css-loader
Webpack loader to prefix css selectors
Generate incremental class name for css loader
Generate small css class names with webpack css-loader
Tools for development browser (dll, lib, app), node (lib, app), isomorphic (lib).
- build-tool
- build
- webpack
- module-federation
- typescript
- javascript
- browser
- isomorphic
- library
- node
- mono
- repository
- css
- scss
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A little helper module for adding CSS and CSS extraction support in webpack.
A tiny workaround for css-loader url-resolving issue
js css loader
hippy-vue style loader module for webpack
Transform CSS camel-case class names to dashed-case in css-loader
Full page loader for ReactJS with css 3 animations
Simple foundation for your frontend project.
- webpack-starter-kit
- webpack
- webpack-plugin
- browsersync
- livereload
- serve
- css-loader
- sass-loader
- mini-css-extract-plugin
- file-loader