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82 packages found
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A package for analyzing IP addresses and retrieving valuable information, such as physical address, country of registration, WHOIS data, and weather information.
COVID Microfrontend for OpenMRS HIV Reference Implementation (OHRI)
A JavaScript implementation of the NZ COVID Pass verification
- typescript
- esbuild
- covid
- new zealand
- nz
- covid pass
- vaccine pass
- vaccine certificate
- sdk
- nzcp
- verifier
- validator
Nextclade visualisation
- nextclade
- open-source
- science
- opensource
- research
- virus
- sequencing
- dna
- rna
- sequences
- strain
- outbreak
- nextstrain
- ncov
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Adapter to show Global Corona Virus information and current reports
latest update of the coronavirus(ncov) data through interactive cli
Temporary Exposure Keys (TEK) library
Certify.Health CLI
Get notified on your phone when there is a vaccine slot available at your location, by running a script on your computer. Uses Cowin portal's public API.
CodeZero provisioner for Folding@Home
Coronavirus statistics in the command line.
A JavaScript library that provides a simple API for the Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 time series data.
Web-Library for Reading and Verifying Covid Vaccination Certificates
- hcert
- Web
- Base45
- CovPass
- cert
- electronic
- health
- certificate
- greenpass
- cbor
- green certificate
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Get notified on your phone when there is a vaccine slot available at your location, by running a script on your computer. Uses Cowin portal's public API.
covid summary cli
Parsing Worldometers corona cases
Get COVID-19 data with one command
A simple Node API for getting coronavirus cases from scraped information.
Advanced covid 19 information system
Coronavirus statistics in the command line from around the world.