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33 packages found
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Rewrite (alias) and expose `require()` IDs in browserify.
Package for encoding / decoding images, transforming images, applying filters, drawing primitives on images on the client side (no need for server Node.js)
Temporary Exposure Keys (TEK) library
A representation of item(i.e materials, services, staff, assets etc.) and it stock that may be consumed or made available in emergency(or disaster) management(or event).
- codetanzania
- lykmapipo
- emis
- emis-module
- disaster
- emergency
- hazard
- risk
- exposure
- resilience
- drm
- mitigation
- preparedness
- response
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A representation on how a party(or stakeholder) acts or, in other words, what role party(or stakeholder) plays in event of emergency(or disaster).
- codetanzania
- lykmapipo
- emis
- emis-module
- disaster
- emergency
- hazard
- risk
- loss
- exposure
- resilience
- warning
- assessment
- drm
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A language detection library named after the hindu goddess of communications and words Vāc.
- language
- discovery
- uncovering
- finding
- recognition
- exposure
- revealing
- linguistic
- verbal
- philological
- dialectal
- etymological
- phonological
- morphological
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Check the quality of an image for defects including blur, under-exposure, over-exposure and low contrast.
A representation of an entity which classify emergency(or disaster) from the most generalised(nature and family) to the most specific (main event and peril).
- codetanzania
- lykmapipo
- emis
- emis-module
- disaster
- emergency
- hazard
- risk
- loss
- exposure
- resilience
- warning
- assessment
- drm
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A representation of an envelope(or payload) which carries disaster notifications(or warning) from source(s) to audience(s).
- codetanzania
- lykmapipo
- emis
- emis-module
- disaster
- emergency
- hazard
- risk
- loss
- exposure
- resilience
- warning
- assessment
- drm
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web track
easy to use intersection observer
easy to use intersection observer, adapted for vue.
AllexJS lib that generates the necessary glue code for exposing a lib via the Apartment/Hotel/Service chain
Reads luminance and histogram data from JPEG images (based on Bill Yeh's pixelr)
支持曝光埋点、点击埋点的react组件, 不会影响dom结构, 不需要多包一层div
easy to use intersection observer, adapted for react.
[]( [](
Photographic exposure calculation utilities
A web broswer tool to help you to check if some element is in user's view