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26 packages found
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Blazingly fast recursive convertion to and from camelCase or PascalCase for Objects and Arrays
Node.js bindings to sass-convert
convert miliseconds to any format
converts image url to base64 png fromat
Fast convertion/scaling of images using a pool of long lived graphicsmagick processes
map and convert object in typescript
Generate PDF file using an HTML file as input for the body.
A library for converting, formatting, parsing, validating and more.
- javascript
- typescript
- utils
- util
- utility
- utilities
- validators
- validation
- parsers
- parsing
- converters
- convertion
- formatters
- formatting
Node Typescript run tester for require to import transformation
BTU conversion functions.
Grunt plugin for convert Ios Localizeble.strings format to JSON format
Convert Youtube videos to mp3 using
A modern node framework for conversion, formatting, parsing, validation, and more.
- node
- utils
- util
- utility
- utilities
- validators
- validation
- parsers
- parsing
- converters
- convertion
- formatters
- formatting
- typecheck
Blobfy is a simple npm package that provides an easy way to work with binary data using JavaScript's Blob object. This package allows you to convert data from various sources into Blob objects, which can be particularly useful for handling files, streams,
Blazingly fast recursive convertion to and from camelCase or PascalCase for Objects and Arrays
Convert sign to rupee
Converts metric units to any of their multiples or submultiples.
Internal DSL to check and convert JSON structures
The package is created to generate random mocking spongebob meme dialog or convert already existing text to mocking spongebob meme case.
This is CLI version of superbytes library. Just convert bytes to a human readable string format from command line.