Utility Framework
A modern framework for conversion, formatting, parsing, validation, and more.
This library contains hundreds of utility methods such as converters, formatters, parsers, validators, etc. necessary for dealing with built-in JavaScript types such as Array
, Blob
, Date
, Map
, Number
, Object
, Set
and String
. The names of the abstract classes provided by this library are simply the plural form of the afore-mentioned types i. e. Arrays
, Blobs
, Dates
, Maps
, Numbers
, Objects
, Sets
and Strings
. These abstract classes are only composed of static members (utility methods). The motivation to build this library comes from the fact that often it becomes necessary to install several libraries e. g. one library for validations, another one for dealing with dates, another one for conversions, etc. This sometimes leads to serious performance issues on applications/libraries. utility-framework
does not depend on other libraries, it has its own implementation of each and every utility provided. This enables the developers of this library to continuously refactor and improve the code inside it.
Execute the following command from your project directory:
npm install utility-framework
and then enjoy using it.
This library is simply composed of abstract classes which can be used as follows:
const {
} = require('utility-framework');
// Arrays examples:
Arrays.addFirst(["b", "c"], "a"); // ["a", "b", "c"]
Arrays.first(["a", "b", "c"]); // "a"
Arrays.isNotEmpty(["a", "b", "c"]); // true
Arrays.isEmpty([]); // true
Arrays.has(["a", "b", "c"], "a"); // true
Arrays.last(["a", "b", "c"]); // "c"
// Blobs examples:
await Blobs.fromObjectURL('some/url');
Blobs.isBlob(new Blob());
await Blobs.toBase64(blob);
await Blobs.toImageData(blob);
await Blobs.toObjectURL(blob);
// Chars examples:
Chars.isAlpha('E'); // true
Chars.isASCII('|'); // true
Chars.isASCIIControl(Chars.BS); // true
Chars.isDigit('9'); // true
Chars.isHinduDigit('१'); // true
Chars.isLetter('我'); // true
Chars.isLetterOrDigit('ぃ'); // true
Chars.isLowerCase('ы'); // true
Chars.isLowSurrogate('\uDFFF'); // true
Chars.isPersianDigit('۴'); // true
Chars.isSurrogatePair('\ud801\udbff', '\udc9f'); // false
Chars.isUpperCase('Б'); // true
Chars.isWhitespace('\t'); // true
// Dates examples:
Dates.isAfter(Dates.now, "2023-05-11T23:20:12");
Dates.addDays(Dates.now, 12);
Dates.isBetween("2023-05-11", "2023-05-10", "2023-05-12");
Dates.daysDifference("2023-05-11", "2023-05-10");
// Maps examples:
Maps.isEmpty(new Map()); // true
Maps.isMap([[0, "a"], [1, "b"]]); // false
const map = new Map();
map.set("a", "abc");
map.set("b", false);
map.set("c", 123);
// Numbers examples:
Numbers.abs(-1); // 1
Numbers.isInteger(1); // true
Numbers.isNatural(-123); // false
Numbers.isNotNumber(0/0); // true
Numbers.isNumber({}); // false
Numbers.isPrime(2); // true
Numbers.randomInt(1, 8);
Numbers.toString(123); // "123"
// Objects examples:
Objects.fromJson('{"a":2,"b":"abc"}'); // {a: 2, b: "abc"}
Objects.hasProperty({a: true, b: 'abc'}, 'a'); // true
Objects.isNotNull({}); // false
Objects.isObject({}); // true
Objects.omit({ a: !0 }, "a"); // {}
Objects.pick({ a: null, b: true }, "a");
Objects.toIterable({ a: 'abc', b: 444, c: true });
Objects.toJson({a: true}); // "{"a":true}"
// Sets examples:
Sets.isNotEmpty(new Set()); // false
Sets.isSet(undefined); // false
Sets.isWeakSet(new WeakSet()); // true
const set = new Set();
// Strings examples:
Strings.isNullOrEmpty(""); // true
Strings.normalize(" Lorem ipsum dolor sit "); // "Lorem ipsum dolor sit"
Strings.isNumerical("12.34"); // true
Strings.hasWhitespace("Lorem\t"); // true
Strings.countMatches("ho ho ho", "ho"); // 3
Strings.decode("2aMgaXMgMyBpbiBBcmFiaWM="); // "٣ is 3 in Arabic"
Strings.encode("\u0663 is 3 in Arabic"); // "2aMgaXMgMyBpbiBBcmFiaWM="
Strings.toTitleCase("jOhN doE"); // John Doe
Strings.toCharArray("🐑🐑🐑"); // ["🐑", "🐑", "🐑"]
Strings.repeat("abc", 5); // "abcabcabcabcabc"
Strings.remove("adefbc", "def"); // "abc"
Strings.reverse("😃😄😁😆🤣"); // "🤣😆😁😄😃"
Strings.toCamelCase("\nAbc def"); // "abcDef"
Strings.toKebabCase("\nAbc def"); // "abc-def"
Strings.upperFirst("john Doe"); // "John Doe"
// Utils examples:
Utils.isBoolean(false); // true
Utils.isDefined(false); // true
Utils.isError(new TypeError('abc')); // true
Utils.isFile(new File([], "abc")); // true
Utils.isFunction(() => {}); // true
Utils.isIterable(new Set()); // true
Utils.isNullOrUndefined(undefined); // true
Utils.isPrimitive("abc"); // true
Utils.isPromise(Promise.resolve()); // true
Utils.isUndefined(null); // false
Something isn't working as expected in this library? Feel free to create a GitHub issue.
Please contact me if you would like to contribute to utility-framework.
Latest stable: v1.0.5
Licensed under the MIT License.