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19 packages found
WebDAV, CALDAV, and CARDDAV client for Nodejs and the Browser
CalDAV and CardDAV client library for Nextcloud
CalDAV server for Node.js and Koa. Modernized and maintained for Forward Email.
CalDAV and CardDAV client library for Nextcloud
Highly customizable and extensible WebDAV server for Node.js and Express.
WebDAV, CALDAV, and CARDDAV client for Nodejs and the Browser
Collection of node-red nodes to interact with WebDAV
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
WebDAV, CalDAV, and CardDAV client for nodejs and the browser
Collection of node-red nodes to download Calendars (CalDAV) and Contacts (CardDAV) and up- / download / list files (WebDAV) from / to nextcloud
WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV client for javascript
A interface to consume multiple types of API
WebDav,CalDav,CardDav Integration into Enco Project
Collection of node-red nodes to download Calendars (CalDAV) and Contacts (CardDAV) and up- / download / list files (WebDAV) from / to nextcloud