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42 packages found
Animated hamburger menu icons for React
- hamburger
- burger
- menu
- react
- icon
- icons
- toggle
- hooks
- animation
- animations
- burger-menu
- hamburger-menu
- navigation
- reactjs
- View more
This is a hamburger-menu component. A standard custom web component written in pure vanilla JS. So it could be used in any framework.
- menu
- button
- icon
- toggle
- sidebar
- navigation
- navigation drawer
- burger
- burger-menu
- burger-button
- burger button
- burger menu
- hamburger
- hamburger-menu
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Animated hamburger menu icons for Qwik
- hamburger
- burger
- menu
- qwik
- icon
- icons
- toggle
- hooks
- animation
- animations
- burger-menu
- hamburger-menu
- navigation
- qwik-city
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This library includes various tools for Angular to simplify the development process. - [VmDialogModule](#VmDialogModule) - allows you to create dialog windows. - [VmButtonModule](#VmButtonModule) - allows you to create buttons. - [VmFormModule](#VmF
[example fullburger menu](
- burger
- burger-menu
- burger menu
- menu
- menu burger
- fullburger
- fullburger-menu
- fullburger menu
- full menu
- full-burger
- full-burger-menu
- full-burger menu
- full burger
Simple burger menu for Svelte with CSS transformations and transitions.
A Sass mixin for creating hamburger icons.
A hamburger for menu expand/collapse.
Burger menu for react.
A modern, flexible menu component that provides navigation for pages and features.
Made with create-react-library
Burger menu for react.
Increase your hungry for logging
Lightweight, dynamic, zero-dependency (and very tasty) burger for React.
A flexible cross-browser library of CSS of customizable burger icons with animations built with Sass.
- sass
- scss
- tribar
- tribar sass
- tribar scss
- burger icon
- burger icons
- burger
- burger scss
- burger sass
- burger css
- haleks
- Alex Villeneuve
- AlexVilleneuve
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React component for animated burger menu
Checks if a Dutch government issued service number is valid
- Nederland
- Netherlands
- Index
- Software
- Persoons
- Persoonsgegevens
- Validatie
- Validation
- Burger
- Service
- Nummer
- Gemeente
- Elf
Lightweight, dynamic, zero-dependency (and very tasty) burger for React.