This library includes various tools for Angular to simplify the development process.
- VmDialogModule - allows you to create dialog windows.
- VmButtonModule - allows you to create buttons.
- VmFormModule - allows you to create form controls.
- SCSS-tools - simplifies styling.
Import VmDialogModule into your app's module.
import {VmDialogModule} from 'vm-angular-tools';
imports: [
Inject VmDialogService into your 'parent' component and 'dialog' component and use it to control the dialog.
Use the VmDialogStyleStates class to create animations for the dialog window.
import {VmDialogService, VmDialogStyleStates} from 'vm-angular-tools';
constructor(private dialog: VmDialogService){}
onOpen() {
const data = {
name: 'MyName',
age: 'MyAge',
email: 'MyEmail'
const animation = {
initStyleState: VmDialogStyleStates.leftX_centerY_hidden,
openedStyleState: VmDialogStyleStates.centerX_centerY_visible,
closedStyleState: VmDialogStyleStates.rightX_centerY_hidden,
openingDuration: 500,
closingDuration: 500
overlayClick: true,
overlayColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
).subscribe(result => console.log(result))
data: any;
constructor(private dialog: VmDialogService){}
ngOnInit() {
this.data = this.dialog.getData();
onClose() {
Import VmButtonModule into your app's module.
import {VmButtonModule} from 'vm-angular-tools';
imports: [
- VmBurgerComponent - A button that consists of three horizontal parallel lines and changes its shape to a cross when pressed.
- VmButtonDirective - Slightly stylized simple button.
This button has eight animation modes, you can select one of them using the "VmBurgerModes" enum.
Use the "getState" input field and the "setState" output field to programmatically control the state of the burger.
import {VmBurgerModes} from 'vm-angular-tools';
selector: 'app-my-component',
template: `<vm-burger [mode]="burgerMode"
<button (click)="onCloseBurger()">Close burger</button>`,
styles: ['vm-burger {
width: 55px;
height: 32px;
color: #000000;
cursor: pointer;
export class MyComponent {
burgerState: boolean = false;
burgerMode: VmBurgerModes = VmBurgerModes.DYNAMIC_ALL;
onClick(event: MouseEvent) {
onGetBurgerState(state: boolean) {
this.burgerState = state;
onCloseBurger() {
this.burgerState = false;
Changes the font size when it is active and the brightness when focused with the keyboard.
<button class="my-btn" vm-button>Click me!</button>
.my-btn {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
... // your styles
Import VmFormModule into your app's module.
You don't need to import 'FormsModule' and 'ReactiveFormsModule' into your app's module. These modules will be automatically imported from 'VmFormModule'.
import {VmFormModule} from 'vm-angular-tools';
imports: [
- VmInputComponent - A wrapper over the html input element that makes the input element easier to style.
- Supports types: text, email, password, number, url, tel, search, month, hidden, datetime-local, date, week, color, radio, checkbox.
- 'content' values: before, after, none.
- 'label' values: before, after, below, above, none.
Set the 'value' input field for type=radio.
The 'content' and 'label' fields don't work together, choose one of them.
Content works with all input types except 'radio', 'color' and 'checkbox'.
Labels will not work correctly if you forget to set the "id" input field for an element
selector: 'app-my-component',
template: `<form [formGroup]="form">
<vm-input placeholder="Search"
<div class="search-icon"></div>
styles: ['vm-input {
border: 2px solid grey;
border-radius: 10px;
padding: 5px;
background: lightblue;
color: green;
font-size: 2rem;
export class MyComponent {
public form!: FormGroup;
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {
this.form = this.fb.group({
search: ''
this.form.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => console.log(value))
- vm-media - A mixin that helps with media queries.
- vm-expansion - A mixin that allows you to create animations with background or border-image.
Observes the screen in vertical or horizontal direction and changes properties according to breakpoints.
Import 'mixins' into your scss file.
Signature: vm-media($direction, $properties...).
- direction - has values 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.
properties - all necessary properties with values according to breakpoints in order from small to large.
Template: (property, (xs, sm, md, lg, xl)).
@import "vm-angular-tools/vm-styles/mixins";
.my-class {
@include vm-media(
(display, (block, block, inline, inline))
(background-color, (red, blue, green)),
(font-size, (14px, 16px, 18px))
Fills an element with 'background-color' or 'border-image' from center to sides.
Import 'mixins' into your scss file.
Signature: vm-expansion($name, $property, $direction, $color1, $color2).
- name - animation name.
- property - has values 'BG' - background-color' or 'BI' - border-image.
- direction - has values 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.
- color1 - color for the expansion.
- color2 - color to replace.
@import "vm-angular-tools/vm-styles/mixins";
.my-class {
@include vm-expansion(my_anim, BG, horizontal, #F44336, #000000);
animation: my_anim 0.5s ease-out 1 both;