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A simple list of possible Typed Array names.
- typed
- array
- typedarray
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
- Int8Array
- Int16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Uint16Array
- Uint32Array
- BigInt64Array
- BigUint64Array
Is this value a JS DataView? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.
Fast Pure JavaScript MessagePack Encoder and Decoder
Useful utilities for working with Uint8Array (and Buffer)
Packs an array-of-arrays into a single ndarray
flattens nested vertex data into a typed array
Pseudo-random number generators w/ unified API, distributions, weighted choices, ID generation
- binary
- crypto
- datastructure
- distribution
- exponential
- gaussian
- generator
- geometric
- normal
- prng
- random
- typedarray
- typescript
- uniform
Common, generic types, interfaces & mixins
Pooled memory for ndarrays
100+ assorted binary / bitwise operations, conversions, utilities, lookup tables
convert a buffer (or string) to a Uint8Array
Fix broken Hermes engine TypedArray implementation for React Native
Fast Pure JavaScript MessagePack Encoder and Decoder
1D / 2D bit field implementations
Data structures for managing & working with strided, memory mapped vectors
- align
- aos
- array
- data-oriented
- datastructure
- interop
- memory
- memory-mapped
- pool
- simd
- typedarray
- typescript
- wasm
- webgl
Typedarray integer & float pixel buffers w/ customizable formats, blitting, drawing, convolution
ArrayBuffer based malloc() impl for hybrid JS/WASM use cases, based on
- acceleration
- align
- allocator
- array
- datastructure
- interop
- memory
- memory-mapped
- pool
- simd
- typedarray
- typescript
- wasm
Binary data related transducers & reducers
Entity Component System based around typed arrays & sparse sets
- acceleration
- animation
- aos
- array
- cache
- component
- data-oriented
- datastructure
- ecs
- entity
- memory
- memory-mapped
- typedarray
- typescript
WebGL & GLSL abstraction layer