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Mold a source map that is almost perfect for you into one that is.
Wraps synchronous functions with a callback-style API
Mold a source map that is almost perfect for you into one that is.
A cmd to create, emulate and publish Mochabug Adapt plugins
The API toolkit to facilitate mochabug adapt plugin development
Moovweb SDK for Adapt and PWA
Stand-alone or with Vue Hybrid mode Js helper library to help with adaptive layouts
- media query
- media queries
- matchMedia
- adaptive
- responsive
- teleport
- DOM observer
- DOM selector
- utility
- Element Helper
- Get Settings
- Vue
- library
- plugin
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StyleSheet样式表创建,适配各种机型、各种屏幕 与StyleSheet用法一致
Functions to wrap other functions and methods and to change/enhance their behavior, functionality or usage
AdaptJS core library
- adapt
- adaptjs
- adpt
- unbounded
- infrastructure-as-code
- devops
- deploy
- aws
- k8s
- kubernetes
- cloud
- deployment
- typescript
- nodejs
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AdaptJS command line interface
- adapt
- adaptjs
- adpt
- unbounded
- infrastructure-as-code
- devops
- deploy
- aws
- k8s
- kubernetes
- cloud
- deployment
- typescript
- nodejs
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AdaptJS cloud component library
- adapt
- adaptjs
- adpt
- unbounded
- infrastructure-as-code
- devops
- deploy
- aws
- k8s
- kubernetes
- cloud
- deployment
- typescript
- nodejs
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The client library to execute automations, without effort, in a browser environment
vue cli plugin.It can transform that the size of your code like wpx or px or hpx to vw or vh for adapt screen!
Typings for the mochabug adapt plugin API
Resizes text elements proportionally to fit any element
vue cli plugin, transform px to rem for adapt in mobile. the base lib is flexible.js
The NPM library for interacting with the API.
Easily reshape objects
it`s a plugin of postcss, it can transform that the size of your code like wpx or px or hpx to vw or vh for adapt screen