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Ace linters is lsp client for Ace editor. It comes with large number of preconfigured easy to use in browser servers.
- language server protocol
- lsp
- language client
- ace-editor
- linting
- code-completion
- code-formatting
- error-checking
- intellisense
Like vue2-ace-editor but more functional and supports Vue 3
Simple editor for vue3.
Binding for collaborative editing support in Ace Editor. Connects JSON CRDT str node to Ace Editor.
- ace
- ace-editor
- ace-editor-binding
- collaborative
- multiplayer
- binding
- collaborative-editor
- editor
- input
- textarea
- contenteditable
- json-crdt
- json
- crdt
A vue component for Ace Editor
一个包装 ace 灵感来自vue3-ace-editor, javascript版本
visual editor for json schema
A simple vuejs 2 binding for ace-edit
A Vue1.x's component which can support sql now based on ace/brace
A Vue1.x's component which can support sql now based on ace/brace
This library can be use in order to transform any textarea on your website into a real-time collaborative text editor. Modules can also be develop in order to set another network architecture or use another text editor.