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Audit dependencies to identify known vulnerabilities and maintenance problems
Tshark node
cordova pdf preview plugin with Foxit Pdf sdk
My Local Ip
Wapiti Scan
Nmap Scan
GPSd Data
Make your life simple when using human readable directories and files
Scans Dynamodb and emits events
A Node.js package for scanning ports
Read Passport and ID Swiped as Taken From OCR Swipe Readers using the Machine Readable Zone of Passports and IDs.
<!-- * @Author: gongyonghui * @Date: 2019-09-11 13:12:42 * @LastEditors: gongyonghui * @LastEditTime: 2019-09-11 15:19:16 * @Description: file content -->
ProxiScan is a JavaScript library designed to handle proximity-based dataset matching in 2D and 3D space. The library allows you to compare multiple master datasets and test datasets based on spatial proximity, supporting both AND/OR conditions for flexib
ARP Scan
JavaScript build of Fabien Letouzey's draughts engine Scan 3.1.
Lodestones are for compasses to find things. Reverse lodestone is to help you find (and maybe remove) SASS Compass.
Serverless plugin, utilizes Neuvector tools for improving the security of your serverless applications.
scan network for android
React Native Document Scanner for Android, Scan Document with crop functionality
winning fe codescan package