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8 packages found

Bucklescript bindings for xstream

published version 0.7.3, 6 years ago3 dependents licensed under $LGPL-3.0

Hello! This project allows you to quickly get started with Reason and BuckleScript. If you wanted a more sophisticated version, try the `react` template (`bsb -theme react -init .`).

published version 0.4.2, 6 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Hello! This project allows you to quickly get started with Reason and BuckleScript. If you wanted a more sophisticated version, try the `react` template (`bsb -theme react -init .`).

published version 0.4.1, 6 years ago3 dependents licensed under $MIT
published version 0.4.1, 6 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT
published version 0.4.1, 6 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Hello! This project allows you to quickly get started with Reason and BuckleScript. If you wanted a more sophisticated version, try the `react` template (`bsb -theme react -init .`).

published version 0.4.1, 6 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A futuristic reactive programming library in the spirit of rx-js

published version 0.1.0, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Just a little wrapper to make a given function observable

published version 0.0.1, 9 years ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC