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Reimplementation of classnames in ReScript
ReScript bindings for Contentful
BuckleScript bindings to Emotion
> A lightweight test framework for ReScript
Reason bindings for effector-react
- bucklescript
- reason
- bsb
- data
- datastructure
- functional
- collection
- state
- store
- reactive
- streams
- actions
- effects
- redux
Reason bindings for effector
- bucklescript
- reason
- bsb
- data
- datastructure
- functional
- collection
- state
- store
- reactive
- streams
- actions
- effects
- redux
Bindings to JavaScript primitive Set and Map types
<img src="statics/Logo.png" width="104" height="104" alt="" />
Debounce hooks for @rescript/react
This defines a superset of JSON, with the addition of "variables" which appear between curly braces (e.g. `{{someVariable}}`). The format of the variables can be customized by the user, although by default it will parse an alphanuxmeric identifier which c
Reason bindings for recharts
Simple reimplementation of BEM class name generator in ReScript
Cmdliner — Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml
Form validation tool for @rescript/react
Logging implementation for ReScript
bucklescript runtime for atdgen
Debounce for ReScript
Type-safe JSON decoding for ReasonML and OCaml