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122 packages found
A simple solution to create a CRUD controller for a MongoDB collection in NestJS
- nestjs
- mongo
- mongodb
- mongoose
- crud
- paginate
- search
- filtering
- pagination
- json:api
- rfc9457
- jsonapi
- hal
- json+ld
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Opiniated HATEAOS / Rest client.
Automatic API browser generator. A middleware that turns your JSON responses into HTML if accessed by a browser.
A HAL processor for Hapi
A port of kranzky/megahal to JS, written using TS
Simple HAL(-FORMS) client
Hypertext Application Language toolbox
A HAL client to be used in Angular projects
HAL+JSON REST API client for IMA applications.
This client used to develop `Angular 12+` applications working with RESTfulll server API with HAL/JSON response type (supports server implementation by Spring HATEOAS)
- Spring Data Rest
- Spring
- hypermedia
- Angular 12
- Angular 13
- Angular 14
- Angular 15
- Angular 16
- Angular 17
- Angular 18
- ngx hal client
- ngx hateoas client
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Ukkonens approximate string matching algorithm for finding edit distance similar to Levenshtein
Angular library for supporting HAL format APIs
An Angular client to consume a RESTworld service that serves application/hal+json or hal-forms+json.
An Angular client to consume a REST service that serves application/hal+json and/or application/hal-forms+json.
HAL JSON API response normalizer
parses JSON HAL resources (Hypertext Application Language)
Resolve HATEOAS links from objects