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86 packages found
provides native ESM import and globals mocking for unit tests
Info about node `exports` field support: version ranges, categories, etc.
- node
- exports
- support
- info
- ranges
- categories
- conditions
- patterns
- pattern trailers
- experimental
- esm
- cjs
- require
- import
Preact bindings for my home grown state management... of course.
Home grown own state management... of course.
TypeScript-STL (Standard Template Library, migrated from C++)
- tstl
- typecript
- c++
- cpp
- stl
- standard template library
- algorithm
- container
- exception
- functional
- iterator
- numeric
- ranges
- thread
- View more
WooCommerce experimental components.
Feature-packed and optimised React component for Chrome's new Document Picture-in-Picture API
an unofficial stylex vite plugin
Raccoon-js An experimental js framework inspired by Vue
A CDK construct representing a bucket and the objects within it, which can be defined by an Asset or directly in the CDK. It extends the Bucket construct.
Compatible typescript decorators (with parameter decorators).
gets canvas context by name
Polyfill exporting trevnorris's 0.11+ asyncListener API.
A CDK construct for hosting a static website based on an Asset, and an Asset construct extension to help with building apps from source files.
A ECMAScript proposal plugin for ESDoc
Type definitions for Node.js custom ESM loaders
It allows you to create custom particle effects with mouse interactions.
ES7 decorator for adding $inject annotations for Angular 1.x
A ECMAScript proposal plugin for ESDoc