Utilities for testing babel plugins
published version 11.0.4, 2 years ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] A tool to add and/or replace labels from any project (or all of them) with your GLOBAL GitLab admin labels.
published version 0.2.8, 6 months agoAcquire a consistent guaranteed-to-be-free port number for your dev server or whatever else, no memorizing required!
published version 0.3.14, 3 years agoVarious utility and helper types for TypeScript projects
published version 1.0.17, 4 years agoVarious utility and helper types for Next.js projects
published version 1.0.17, 4 years ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] Quickly determine if code is executing on the client or on the server with SSR/SSG
published version 1.0.3, 6 months agoA handy set of NAMED (i.e. in the stack trace) error classes with deep TypeScript support and other useful additions
published version 4.0.2, a year ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] Quickly and easily get "fuzzy" millisecond counts in the near/far past/future relative to some point in time
published version 1.0.3, 6 months agoConfidently unit and integration test your Next.js API routes/handlers in an isolated Next.js-like environment
published version 4.0.14, 4 months ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] A small wrapper around unfetch geared specifically for handling JSON
published version 1.0.16, 6 months ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] Attempts to classify each dependency under node_modules as a CJS or ESM package
published version 1.2.4, 6 months agoMinimalist CLI tool to automate the git-add-then-commit workflow for conventional commit messages
published version 2.2.6, 3 years ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] Allow importing of named exports from default-exporting (CJS/JSON) modules
published version 1.2.3, 6 months agoA dummy package used for testing workflow pipelines. Not to be installed!
published version 7.8.21, 4 years agoA dummy package used for testing workflow pipelines. Not to be installed!
published version 1.0.6, 4 years agoTransforms all internal references to a module's exports such that each reference starts with `module.exports` instead of directly referencing an internal name. This enables easy mocking of specific (exported) functions in Jest with Babel/TypeScript, even
published version 1.0.2, 3 years agoA tiny ponyfill for @babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions, the syntax from which TypeScript and VS Code do not (yet) support.
published version 0.1.2, 2 years agoVarious constants, utility types, and typed functions for TypeScript projects
published version 1.3.0, 3 years agoCustom CHANGELOG generation and semantic release settings based on conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
published version 1.1.0, 4 years ago⛔️ [DEPRECATED] conventional-changelog @xunnamius/projector preset originally forked from conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
published version 1.2.2, 6 months agoA unified entry point for various TypeScript utility types and typed functions
published version 1.0.5, 3 years agoVarious constants, utility types, and typed functions for Jest-based projects
published version 1.1.3, 3 years agoVarious constants, utility types, and typed functions for Next.js-based projects
published version 1.0.9, 3 years agoUnites Atom's spellchecker, VSCode's Code Spell Checker dictionaries, custom local and user dictionaries, and words from your repository's commit history to spellcheck your commit messages as you craft them
published version 0.0.1, 3 years ago