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14 packages found
A collection of many different alphabets for many different use cases.
"randomrange(a, b, stringa, where) is a JavaScript function that generates a random number within a specified range (a, b) and combines it with a custom string or random alphabets. Easily create unique identifiers or tokens with options to place the strin
- Random
- Number
- Generator
- Range
- Selection
- String
- Concatenation
- Unique
- Identifiers
- Custom
- Tokens
- Alphabets
- and
- Numbers
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Generate a series of tuples in lexicographical order
- alphabet
- alphabets
- cartesian-product
- combination
- combinations
- cross-product
- digit
- digits
- enumerable
- enumerate
- enumerator
- generator
- iterable
- iterator
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iterable over ordered character combinations from a list of alphabets
Various string constants definitions for easy use
All constants required in coding
A Node.js module that Generates alphabets
Generate random number,random alphunumeric and random alphabets based on dynamic length passed as argument.
- random
- string
- randomalll
- alphabets
- letter
- lower
- upper
- random-number
- random-number-generator
- random-alphabets
- random-alphanumeric
- random-string
- random-small-letter
- random-capital-letter
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Count everything about text, letters, words, sentences and paragraphs, and more.
Abjad calculator: calculate the abjad of a string.
- abjad
- calculator
- string
- calculate
- math
- writingsystem
- writing
- system
- kabbalah
- vowel
- consonants
- consonant
- alphabets
- alphabet
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Find the first most repeated letter in a string ignoring punctuation and emojis.
- letter
- letters
- most
- repeated
- string
- strings
- javascript
- js
- punctuation
- emojis
- emoji
- mostrepeated
- alphabet
- alphabets
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Removes accents from a string.
- remove
- accents
- accent
- diacritic
- glyph
- letter
- letters
- word
- words
- greek
- diacritical
- latin
- script
- javascript
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jQuery plugin to write charecters on a 5X5 matrix with colors, animations and size.