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Random Alphanumeric generator

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The provided JavaScript method randomrange(a, b, some_string, where) generates a random number within the range (a, b) and combines it with a given string. The string can either be random alphabets ('ALPHA') or any custom string. The where parameter determines whether the string should be appended at the 'start' or the 'end' of the generated random number.

Explanation of the functionality provided by the package.

The function follows these rules:

  • If string_alpha is set to 'ALPHA' and string_append_where is set to 'start', it generates a random alphabet character from 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' and concatenates it at the start of the random number.
  • If string_alpha is set to 'ALPHA' and string_append_where is set to 'end', it generates a random alphabet character from 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' and concatenates it at the end of the random number.
  • If string_append_where is set to 'start', it concatenates the provided string_alpha at the start of the random number.
  • If string_append_where is set to 'end', it concatenates the provided string_alpha at the end of the random number.
  • If none of the above conditions are met, it returns only the generated random number.


Install ui-modal-and-timeout with npm

  npm i random_alphanumeric_range --save-dev

How to use

const randomrange = require('random_alphanumeric_range');

// Assign values
const start_range = 455;
const end_range = 480;
const string_alpha = "String_goes_here";
const string_append_where = "start" or "end";

// Note: if string_alpha assigned to "ALPHA", it will generate random alphabet and append as per where condition.

// Use the function from the package
const result = randomrange(start_range, end_range, string_alpha, string_append_where);

In the provided example, randomrange(455, 480, "ALPHA", 'end') will return a random number between 456 and 479 (both inclusive) and append a random alphabet character at the end of the number. The result will be similar to "459d", "466h", "480f", etc., where the last character is a random alphabet.


Rahul Jain

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