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AG Grid React Component
AG Grid Vue 3 Component
The pivot grid, or pivot table, is used to visualize large sets of relational data in a cross-tabular format, similar to an Excel pivot table.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- BI
- business-intelligence
- data
- db
- database
- json
- web-service
- relational
- excel
- csv
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AG Grid Vue 3 Component
A simple to use declarative react based data table
Like an array, but rounder.
AG Grid React Component
Small, efficient encoding of SVG data URIs for CSS, HTML, etc.
A fully persistent balanced binary search tree
Effortlessly convert your JSON Object to JSON Schema, Mongoose Schema, or a Generic template for quick documentation / upstart.
- json
- schema
- object
- convert
- manipulate
- traverse
- types
- type
- is
- generate
- produce
- mongoose
- generic
- validation
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Returns a `stream.Readable` from a URI string
Immutable Data Collections
Feature-rich JavaScript Spreadsheet (Excel) control with built-in support for selection, editing, formatting, importing and exporting to Excel
- ej2
- syncfusion
- spreadsheet
- excel
- workbook
- worksheet
- xlsx
- xlsb
- csv
- grid
- data
- excel-like
- excel-style
- editor
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Feature-rich JavaScript datagrid (datatable) control with built-in support for editing, filtering, grouping, paging, sorting, and exporting to Excel.
Compact binary encoding for geographic data
Handsontable is a JavaScript Data Grid available for React, Angular and Vue.
- data
- grid
- table
- editor
- grid-editor
- data-grid
- data-table
- spreadsheet
- excel
- tabular-data
- edit-cell
- editable-table
- data-spreadsheet
AG Grid Vue 2 Component
Business logic with ease
- business
- logic
- data
- flow
- state management
- state manager
- algebraic effects
- model
- reactive
- state
- frp
- event
- effect
- functional
Best Data Grid for Vue with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
- handsontable
- component
- data
- table
- grid
- data table
- data grid
- spreadsheet
- sheet
- excel
- vue
- vue.js
- vuejs
- vue 3
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Operating system specific paths.