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59 packages found
Transpiler to convert amsmath LaTeX to Java code.
dates for humans
Grammar representation and parser for USFM language using tree-sitter
JSON pipeline for abstract compiler
Tarjan-Lengauer dominator search algorithm
Compute dominator tree and dominance frontier
API for building CFG graph for compilation to LLVM bitcode
JSON pipeline for abstract compiler
Easily store or get Github config data from `.gitconfig`. Useful when you want to store your github token and test your apps without exposing it.
Synchronously resolve plugins / transforms / presets just like Babel and Browserify does it, using CommonJS `require` builtin. For example, useful for loading complex configs from `package.json` file.
- browserify
- cfg
- complex
- config
- config-management
- configuration
- load
- load-config
- load-plugin
- load-transform
- manage
- management
- plugin
- plugins
- View more
A `CSV` config parser and serializer for node.
- csv-config
- config
- csv
- parser
- serializer
- ini
- conf
- configuration
- configstore
- cosmiconfig
- cfg
- winston-cfg
- parse-config-file
Constructs a CFG for JavaScript source code.
Creates an flow graph in SSA form based on an initial CFG. It can also apply data flow functions and will generate a live out set for each block as default for pruned SSA.
yacfg organizes the configuration for different deployment environments.
Dates for humans.
A library for parsing Minecraft Forge cfg files.
encode and decode ini,conf,cfg files
Environment configuration module for AngularJS
Implementations of the grammars of several programming languages, including LISP, Scheme, Prolog, and the Lambda Calculus.
- context-free grammar
- grammar
- lambda-calculus
- programming languages
- Prolog
- Scheme
- Smalltalk
- TypeScript