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Painless forms for Vue.js
TypeScript/JS lib for dashboard layout and creation, responsive, mobile support, no external dependencies, with many wrappers (React, Angular, Vue, Ember, knockout...)
- Typescript
- gridstack.js
- grid
- gridster
- layout
- responsive
- dashboard
- resize
- drag&drop
- widgets
- Angular
- React
- Vue
- JavaScript
Web3-Onboard makes it simple to connect Ethereum hardware and software wallets to your dapp. Features standardised spec compliant web3 providers for all supported wallets, framework agnostic modern javascript UI with code splitting, CSS customization, mul
- Ethereum
- Web3
- dapp
- Multichain
- Wallet
- Transaction
- Provider
- Hardware Wallet
- Notifications
- React
- Solid.js
- Svelte
- Vue
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Web3-Onboard makes it simple to connect Ethereum hardware and software wallets to your dapp. Features standardised spec compliant web3 providers for all supported wallets, framework agnostic modern javascript UI with code splitting, CSS customization, mul
- Ethereum
- Web3
- dapp
- Multichain
- Wallet
- Transaction
- Provider
- Hardware Wallet
- Notifications
- React
- Svelte
- Vue
- Next
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Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue in one handy generator
- yeoman-generator
- Java
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Webpack
- Docker
A simple way with Vue to announce any information to the screen readers.
Kendo UI for Vue Common Utilities package
Polyfills the ResizeObserver API and supports box size options from the latest spec
- ResizeObserver
- polyfill
- ponyfill
- event
- resize
- observer
- typescript
- javascript
- element
- component
- container
- queries
- web components
- front-end
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With more than 85 components, over 45 available plugins, several directives, and 1000+ icons, BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of the Bootstrap v4 component and grid system available for Vue.js v2.6, complete with extens
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap v4
- Bootstrap for Vue
- Vue
- Vue.js
- Vue v2
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Icons
- Bootstrap Icons
- Accessibility
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Kendo UI for Vue Animation package
Kendo UI for Vue Popup package
TSX (JSX for TypeScript) support library for Vue