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789 packages found
The Avatar component is used to represent a user, and displays the profile picture, initials or fallback icon.
Avatar / profile picture component. Resize and crop your uploaded image using a intuitive user interface.
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for React, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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A React component used to show users avatar or initials
Boring avatars is a tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based, round avatars from any username and color palette.
Javascript identicon generator
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for Solid, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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Super lightweight SVG identicon (icon avatar) generator
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for Vue, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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Flowbite components for Svelte
- svelte
- sveltekit
- tailwindcss
- flowbite
- ui
- accordion
- alert
- avatar
- badge
- breadcrumb
- button-group
- button
- card
- carousel
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Standard library for Node/Sails applications. Hand-picked and maintained by the Sails.js core team.
- sails
- stdlib
- waterline
- flow-control
- sails-stdlib
- await
- bcrypt
- hash-password
- encrypt-password
- passwords
- avatar
- gravatar
- mailgun-api
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Yamada UI avatar component
A React component for rendering MetaMask avatars based on account address
Contains components that represent a person, location or entity. Variants include Avatar, Facility, and Generic.
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
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A JavaScript library for generating vector-based cartoon faces
An avatar library for designers and developers.
A react component library for coolshapes with little grainy gradients.
An avatar component