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78 packages found
"React table edited easily"
<h1>Vue data table with edit in place (contentEditable) & validation</h1> Creates a table with editable fields. Fields have optional validation rules and tooltip for messages.<br/> Uses vue-j-editable for the editing component. Allows different format typ
A fully editable table
An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features.
Multi-row editable table using material-ui with redux
Multi-row editable table using semantic-ui with redux
Configuration-based data editor (Datagrid and Forms) plugin for Aurelia (
A vue component, it can generate a similar excel form for you
a editable table base on ant design
Editable table with jQuery and Bootstrap
QModelTd is an UI app extension for Quasar that simplifies the usage of editable or selectable QTd
Vue2 plugin for displaying and editing the array-of-object in Excel style
- typescript
- angular2
- bootstrap
- angularjs
- handsontable
- editable
- table
- ng2
- data
- grid
- editor
- grid-editor
- data-grid
- data-table
- View more
Editable cell for table of element-ui
An editable table component for Vue.