TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.21 • Public • Published

NMI Gateway

This is the wklive implementation of nmi gateway, the original documentation of nmi is: https://secure.networkmerchants.com/gw/merchants/resources/integration/integration_portal.php#cv_variables

This package was build with the unique intention to make the integration with the gateway easy.

You can generate tokens using: https://nmi-dashboard.vercel.app/nmi?/generateToken

Getting started

First you need to configure GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable to point to your google key credentials.

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = "path/to/you/service/account/credentials.json"

Also you need

WK_NMI_SERVER = "nmi server url"
NMI_ORGANIZATION = " nmi organization"

NextJS configuration example

You can get the project here: https://github.com/gtavo95/wk-nmi-front-example.git

// page.tsx

// import google authorization libraries
import { GoogleAuth } from "google-auth-library";

// import wk-nmi library to interact with nmi server
import { Plans } from "wk-nmi";

// server fetch function
async function getPlans() {
  // Init google auth libraries
  const auth = new GoogleAuth();

  // Workinglive nmi server url
  const url = process.env.WK_NMI_SERVER;

  // Nmi organization
  const organization = process.env.NMI_ORGANIZATION;

  if (url && organization) {
      `request ${url} with target audience ${url}`

    // Get an auth client
    const client = await auth.getIdTokenClient(url);

    // Get the tokenID token
    const tokenId = await client.idTokenProvider.fetchIdToken(url);

    // Now use the wk-nmi library to get all plans as below
    const plan = new Plans(url, "testOrg4", tokenId);
    const plans = await plan.all();

    if (plans.status === 200) return plans.response;
    else return [];

export default async function Page() {
  // Get plans
  const plans = await getPlans();

  // Render plans as you wish
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col h-screen w-screen bg-white overflow-auto gap-3">
      {/* titulo */}
      <h1 className="text-black text-2xl">Plans</h1>
      {/* plans */}
      <div className="flex flex-row flex-wrap gap-1">
        {plans &&
          plans.map((plan: any) => (
              className="flex flex-col rounded-lg border border-gray-400 text-black p-3"
              <h1>Name: {plan.plan_name}</h1>
              <p>payments: {plan.plan_payments}</p>
              <p>Amounts: {plan.plan_amount}</p>


The library supports the next operations:



The add method creates a new billing to the selected user_id

// Import library
import { Billing } from "wk-nmi";

// Init Billing
const billing = new Billing(

// use add method
const res = await billing.add({
  userId: "1",
  billingId: "16",
  token: "00000000-000000-000000-000000000000", //  collect-js-token
  billingInfo: {
    //  all fields are optional
    firstName: "test",
    lastName: "test",
    address1: "test",
    city: "test",
    state: "test",
    zip: "test",
    country: "test",
    phone: "test",
    email: "test",
    company: "test",
    address2: "test",
    fax: "test",
    shippingId: "test",
    shippingAddress1: "test",
    shippingAddress2: "test",
    shippingCity: "test",
    shippingCountry: "test",
    shippingZip: "test",
    shippingState: "test",
    shippingFirst_name: "test",
    shippingLast_name: "test",
    shippingPhone: "test",
    shippingEmail: "test",


The updateBillingInfo method only updates only billing information, it can't edit billing_id, user_id.

const res = await billing.updateBillingInfo({
  userId: "1",
  billingId: "16",
  token: "00000000-000000-000000-000000000000", //  collect-js-token
  billingInfo: {
    //  all fields are optional
    firstName: "test",
    lastName: "test",
    address1: "test",
    city: "test",
    state: "test",
    zip: "test",
    country: "test",
    phone: "test",
    email: "test",
    company: "test",
    address2: "test",
    fax: "test",
    shippingId: "test",
    shippingAddress1: "test",
    shippingAddress2: "test",
    shippingCity: "test",
    shippingCountry: "test",
    shippingZip: "test",
    shippingState: "test",
    shippingFirst_name: "test",
    shippingLast_name: "test",
    shippingPhone: "test",
    shippingEmail: "test",


Deletes selected billing_id

const userId = "";
const billingId = "";
const res = await billing.delete(userId, billingId);


Changes the billing priority of a billing id.

const res = await billing.changePriority({
  userId: "1",
  billingId: "16",
  priority: 1,


get billing information of userId

const userId = "";
const res = await billing.info(userId);

Customer Vault

Handle customer vault operations


Create a new customer vault with the provided id (this id is then used by other methods of this library as user_id)

// import library
import { CustomerVault } from "wk-nmi";

const host = "";
const org = "";
// init CustomerVault
customerVault = new CustomerVault(host, org);
// add user
const res = await customerVault.add({
  id: "testId113233",
  token: "00000000-000000-000000-000000000000",
  billingId: "",
  billingInfo: {
    firstName: "",
    lastName: "",
    address1: "",
    city: "",
    state: "",
    zip: "",
    country: "",
    phone: "",
    email: "",


Handles plan operations with the nmi api


Get all plans created plans in the organization

// import
import { Plans } from "wk-nmi";

const host = "https://nmi-server-orkrbzqvda-uc.a.run.app";
const org = "testOrg4";
// init CustomerVault
plan = new Plans(host, org);

// get plans
const res = await plan.all();


Get plan id information

// Get swzshoppingonly plan information
const planId = "";
const res = await plan.id(planId);


Create a new plan using month setup

# create plan
const res = await plan.withMonthConfig({
    customPlan: {
        planAmount: "10.00",
        planName: "test",
        planId: "testtset",
        monthFrequency: "1",
        dayOfMonth: "1",
        planPayments: "0"


Edit plan using month configuration

// edit month configuration plan
const res = await plan.editMonthConfig({
  customPlan: {
    planAmount: "10.00",
    planName: "test",
    planId: "testtset",
    monthFrequency: "1",
    dayOfMonth: "1",
    planPayments: "0",


Create a new plan using day setup

// create a plan using day configuration
  customPlan: {
    planAmount: "10.00",
    planName: "test",
    planId: "testtsetts",
    dayFrequency: "1",
    planPayments: "0",


Edit a plan using day setup

// edit a plan using day configuration
  customPlan: {
    planAmount: "10.00",
    planName: "test",
    planId: "testtsetts",
    dayFrequency: "1",
    planPayments: "0",


Handles subscriptions using the nmi api


Assign a subscriptions to the user_id (customer vault). if total_amount is set to 0, the method will behave as a normal subscription and the user will be charged according to the custom_subscription info object. But if total_amount is set to a value greater that 0 the user will be charged by that amount

// import library
import { Subs } from "wk-nmi";

// init
const subsObj = new Subs(

// assign subscription to custumer vault
const res = await subsObj.withMonthConfig({
  userId: "1",
  orderId: "test",
  totalAmount: "0", // 0 for subscription without an addition sale amount
  customSubscriptionInfo: {
    planId: "test",
    planAmount: "10.00",
    planName: "test",
    monthFrequency: "1",
    dayOfMonth: "1",
    planPayments: "0",

// The output can be of type BadResponse | ErrorDetail | SubscriptionResult

if (
  "successfull" in subResponse &&
  subResponse.successfull &&
  "nm_response" in subResponse
) {
  let nmiRespones = subResponse.nm_response.
} else {
  // error handling


Assign a subscriptions to the user_id (customer vault). if total_amount is set to 0, the method will behave as a normal subscription and the user will be charged according to the custom_subscription info object. But if total_amount is set to a value greater that 0 the user will be charged by that amount

// Assign subscription to custumer vault
const res = await subsObj.withDayConfig({
  userId: "1",
  orderId: "testRef",
  totalAmount: "0", //0 for subscription without an addition sale amount
  customSubscriptionInfo: {
    planPayments: "15",
    planAmount: "6",
    dayFrequency: "1",

// The output can be of type BadResponse | ErrorDetail | SubscriptionResult

if (
  "successfull" in subResponse &&
  subResponse.successfull &&
  "nm_response" in subResponse
) {
  let nmiRespones = subResponse.nm_response.
} else {
  // error handling


Pause subscription

// pause subscription
const subscriptionId = "your subscription id";
const pause = true; // true to pause/false to resume
const res = await subsObj.pause(subscriptionId, pause);


Cancel a subscripion

const subscriptionId = "your subscription id";
const result = await subsObj.cancel(subscriptionId);


Get all subscriptions of user_id

// Get subscriptions of user id
const userId = "your user id";
const result = await subsObj.all(userId);


Update payment method, using a new customer vault id,

// Update subscriptions 
const subId = ""
const customerId = ""
const org = ""
const url = ""
const apikey = ""
const subs = new Subs(url, org, apikey);
const res = await subs.update_month_subscription(subId, customerId, {
    planPayments: "1",
    planAmount: "14",
    monthFrequency: "1",
    dayOfMonth: "1",
    startDate: ""


Handles creations of the merchants


Get merchant information

// import library
import { Config } from "wk-nmi

// init
const configObj = new Config("","testOrg4")

// get merchant configuration
const res = await configObj.get()


Update merchant information

// edit merchant information
const res = await configObj.update({
  storeId: 2342311,
  environmentActive: "sandbox",
  productionEnv: {
    token: "",
  sandboxEnv: {
    token: "",
  secretToken: "",
  merchantOrchestrator_url: "http://",
  merchantId: "123",
  merchantSignature: "123",


Create a new merchant

//  add a new merchant
const res = await configObj.add({
  storeId: 2342311,
  environmentActive: "sandbox",
  productionEnv: {
    token: "",
  sandboxEnv: {
    token: "",
  secretToken: "",
  merchantOrchestrator_url: "http://",
  merchantId: "123",
  merchantSignature: "123",


Delete a current merchant,

// warning
const res = await configObj.delete();


Handles payments


Handles customer vaults requests

import { Pay } from "../lib/payments";

const pay = new Pay("", "testOrg4", "secretToken");

const paymentResult = await pay.withCustomerVault({
  total: "6",
  customerVault: "2",
  billingInfo: {
    firstName: "testFirstName",
    lastName: "testLastName",
    address1: "testAddress1",
    city: "testCity",
    state: "testState",
    zip: "testZip",
    country: "testCountry",
    phone: "testPhone",
    email: "testEmail",

// The output can be of type BadResponse | ErrorDetail | NMIResponse

if (
  "successfull" in subResponse &&
  subResponse.successfull &&
  "nm_response" in subResponse
) {
  // successfull
  let nmiRespones = subResponse.nm_response.
} else {
  // error handling


Handles simple payment requests

const pay = new Pay("", "testOrg4", "secretToken");

const paymentResult = await pay.withToken({
  total: "6",
  customerVault: "2",
  billingInfo: {
    firstName: "testFirstName",
    lastName: "testLastName",
    address1: "testAddress1",
    city: "testCity",
    state: "testState",
    zip: "testZip",
    country: "testCountry",
    phone: "testPhone",
    email: "testEmail",

// The output can be of type BadResponse | ErrorDetail | NMIResponse

if (
  "successfull" in subResponse &&
  subResponse.successfull &&
  "nm_response" in subResponse
) {
  // successfull
  let nmiRespones = subResponse.nm_response.
} else {
  // error handling

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