
0.1.0 • Public • Published

Web app generator Build Status Gitter

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app using gulp for the build process


Please see our gulpfile for up to date information on what we support.

  • enable ES2015 features using Babel
  • CSS Autoprefixing
  • Built-in preview server with BrowserSync
  • Automagically compile Sass with libsass
  • Automagically lint your scripts
  • Map compiled CSS to source stylesheets with source maps
  • Awesome image optimization

For more information on what this generator can do for you, take a look at the gulp plugins used in our package.json.


Keep in mind that libsass is feature-wise not fully compatible with Ruby Sass. Check out this curated list of incompatibilities to find out which features are missing.

If your favorite feature is missing and you really need Ruby Sass, you can always switch to gulp-ruby-sass and update the styles task in gulpfile accordingly.

Getting Started

  • Install: npm install --global yo gulp-cli generator-webapp
  • Run yo webapp to scaffold your webapp
  • Run npm start to preview and watch for changes
  • Run npm start -- --port=8080 to preview and watch for changes in port 8080
  • Run npm install --save <package> to install dependencies, frontend included
  • Run npm run serve:test to run the tests in the browser
  • Run npm run serve:test -- --port=8085 to run the tests in the browser in port 8085
  • Run npm build to build your webapp for production
  • Run npm run serve:dist to preview the production build
  • Run npm run serve:dist -- --port=5000 to preview the production build in port 5000



  • --skip-welcome-message Skips Yeoman's greeting before displaying options.
  • --skip-install-message Skips the the message displayed after scaffolding has finished and before the dependencies are being installed.
  • --skip-install Doesn't automatically install dependencies after scaffolding has finished.
  • --test-framework=<framework> Either mocha or jasmine. Defaults to mocha.
  • --no-babel Scaffolds without Babel support. This only applies to app/scripts, you can still write ES2015 in the gulpfile, depending on what your version of Node supports.


See the contributing docs.


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BSD license

Dependencies (6)

Dev Dependencies (9)

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npm i webapp-eruption

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44.3 kB

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  • kingchung