
0.3.0 • Public • Published

vendurl 🛍️

Vendor (verb: download and store) a JS dependency from a URL.
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Contents: InstallHow it worksDevelopmentFAQ

vendurl is in no way intended to replace npm for dependency management. It is best utilized for vendoring a few, small packages that are not published in a way you'd like to consume.

Installation and usage

npm i -D vendurl

Add packages to the "vendurl" key in package.json by setting a filename with extension and package specifier:

  "vendurl": {
    "packages": {
      "temporal.js": "@js-temporal/polyfill",
      "chalk4.mjs": "chalk@4",
      "leftpad.cjs": ""

Run vendurl to download and store the packages:

npx vendurl

Use the packages in your code:

import { Temporal } from './vendor/temporal.js';
import chalk from './vendor/chalk4.mjs';
import leftpad from './vendor/leftpad.cjs';


Optional package.json vendurl configuration:

  "vendurl": {
    "destination": "./src/lib",       // default: "./vendor"
    "provider": "", // default: ""
    "bundle": false,                  // specific. default: true
    "packages": { }

Specifier options

The specifier can be an object:

  "vendurl": {
    "packages": {
      "leftpad.cjs": {
        "specifier": "leftpad@0.0.1/index.js",
        "provider": "",
        "bundle": false
      "robots.txt": {
        "specifier": "",
        "destination": "./public"

npm postinstall

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "vendurl"
  "vendurl": {
    "packages": { }

CLI Options and Exit Codes

vendurl will exit with code 1 if there are any errors, but will optimistically continue to vendor what it can.

Verbose output is available with --verbose or -v:

npx vendurl --verbose

Use the --clean flag to nuke the destination folder before downloading (this will not clean destinations specified in object specifiers):

npx vendurl --clean

Pass --yes to skip the confirmation prompt:

npx vendurl --clean --yes

How it works

Mostly with fetch and fs: download the file and save it. index.js is brief and has no dependencies; check it out!

vendurl leans on conventions to resolve specific versioned bundles.

Module Resolution

For example, the specifier of "chalk" (currently) resolves to the cached build as such:


./test/mock-project/ has a simple package.json with a few package entries to test with.

./test/ runs a simple test procedure and executes ./test/mock-project/index.js.


Does it work for all packages?
Not likely. The dependency graphs for some "modern" tools are a mess and rely on a build step. vendurl does work well for simpler packages that aren't published in a way you'd like to consume -- e.g. the entire test suite and 17 dist versions are shipped to
If there's a package you think should work, but it doesn't, please open an issue. 🙏🏻

Just JavaScript?
vendurl will optimistically download any URL and put it in "./vendor". A .css file would probably work, but at that point you're venturing into build pipeline territory 🐉

ESBuild options, WASM, and other features?
Good idea! I can work on that or feel free to send a PR.
In the meantime: currently, search params on the specifier are not stripped, so you could try that!

I'm getting HTTP errors.
You may want to check's status page.

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