
1.0.0 • Public • Published


teachassist authenticates with the YRDSB TeachAssist website for student course information.


$ npm install teachassist

Example Usage

const {Student} = require("teachassist");
// No HTTP requests are done at this time.
const me = new Student("my_username", "my_password");

// Attempts to authenticate and extract list of courses.
me.getCourses().then(async (courses) => {
  for (const course of courses) {
    console.log(`Student is taking ${course.name} in room ${course.room} and has a ${course.grade}%.`);
  // Attempts to get individual assignment data for first course.
  const marks = await me.getMarks(courses[0].id);
  for (const mark of marks) {
    console.log(`Student got ${mark.earned[0]}/${mark.total[0]} K/U marks on ${mark.name}.`);
  // Attemps to get course weightings for first course.
  const weights = await me.getMeta(courses[0].id);
  console.log(`Knowledge and Understanding is worth ${weights.weight.KU}% excluding finals.`);
  console.log(`Thinking and inquiry is worth ${weights.cWeight.TI}% including finals.`);



Represents a student with a YRDSB TeachAssist login.

<Student>.courses: Array of loaded courses for student. Empty until <Student>.getCourses() is called.


username: Login username of the student.
password: Login password of the student.


Obtain and store a session token that can be used to access course information. Expires after 10 minutes. Does nothing if existing token is valid.
All methods that require a token automatically call generateSessions() if needed.

Returns: Promise::boolean true if a new token was generated, false otherwise.


Obtain an array of Course objects representing the courses this student is currently taking. This populates the courses property.

Returns: Promise::Array::Course


courseID: ID of course to get marks for. This is not the name of the course.

Obtain an array of all individual assignments for the given course.

Returns: Promise::Array::Mark


courseID: ID of course to get marks for. This is not the name of the course.

Obtain the weightings of each category for the given course.

Returns: Promise::Weight


Represents a course being taken by a student.

<Course>.student The student object that is taking this course.
<Course>.marks Array of loaded assignment data for this course. Empty until <Student>.getMarks(courseID) is called.
<Course>.meta Loaded course weightings for this course. Undefined until <Student>.getMeta(courseID) is called.


Represents an individual assignment for a course.

<Mark>.name Name of this assignment.
<Mark>.earned Array representing number of marks earned for each category in order: KU, TI, COMM, APP, OTHER.
<Mark>.total Array representing number of total marks for each category in order: KU, TI, COMM, APP, OTHER.
<Mark>.weight Array representing numerical weightings for each category in order: KU, TI, COMM, APP, OTHER.

Quantities for earned, total, and weight can also be accessed as properties with .KU, .TI, .COMM, .APP, and .OTHER respectively.

static getStringType(type)

type: Number representation of mark type.

Returns: String KU for 0, TI for 1, COMM for 2, APP for 3, OTHER for 4.


Represents course weightings for each category.

<Weight>.weight Array of percentage weights for each category before finals in order: KU, TI, COMM, APP, OTHER.
<Weight>.cWeight Array of percentage weights for each category including finals in order: KU, TI, COMM, APP, OTHER.
<Weight>.final Percentage the final is worth overall in the course.

Quantities for weight and cWeight can also be accessed as properties with .KU, .TI, .COMM, .APP, and .OTHER respectively.

Dependencies (3)

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