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32.0.0 • Public • Published

Latency Tracker

  • Provides SSR compatible Benchmark Tracking for React Applications
  • Optional Transition Abandonment Reporting


$ yarn add tachyon-latency-tracker

This package provides components to handle interactivity tracking for an SSR Relay/React app. It uses the Performance and UserTiming APIs to generate timestamps for events relevant to the "time to interactivity" / "customer wait time" for loading pages.

Enabling Latency Tracking

Use the LatencyTrackerRoot to consume reported latency events in your application. The following events will be reported by doing so (listed in order of appearance):

  1. benchmark_fetch_start
  2. benchmark_app_booted
  3. benchmark_complete_transition
import { LatencyTrackerRoot, LatencyTrackerRootProps } from 'tachyon-latency-tracker';

const appData: LatencyTrackerRootProps['appData'] = { ... };

const root = (
      // If the app has entry points that serve as non-destinations, like a
      // redirecting location for a PWA, add this optional prop to prevent these
      // locations (based on route/data-science names) from being counted in
      // transition logic
    <AppComponents />

To disable latency tracking in an app without having to alter the component tree, use the disableLatencyTracking prop on LatencyTrackerRoot.

Transition Complete tracking

There are two ways to signal that a route/location has finished rendering its baseline interactive experience.

<LatencyTransitionComplete />

Render this component when a route has completed rendering. This is meant to be placed in the opposite branch from a loading UI:

if (loading) {
  return <LoadingPage />;
} else {
  return (
      <LatencyTransitionComplete />
      <ActualPage />

This declarative approach is the recommended usage.


This is a hook that can be used more imperatively to signal that a route has completed rendering.

const reportTransitionComplete = useLatencyTransitionComplete();

useEffect(() => {
  if (!loading) {

This must be run in an effect to ensure that the DOM has been updated before reporting transition complete. This exact structure is used inside <LatencyTransitionComplete />.

For pages that don't require JS for interactivity

In an SSR application, many pages can be considered interactive before JavaScript boots if they are the initial page loaded by the user. This means an app could consider interactivity to happen when domInteractive happens in those situations. Since this requires more attention and decision-making, the latency framework by default waits until JS boots to report transition complete, but it is capable of "backdating" the interactivity time to the domInteractive mark. To opt into this behavior, use the requiresJsForInteractivity parameter:

<LatencyTransitionComplete requiresJsForInteractivity={false} />


useEffect(() => {
  if (!loading) {
    reportTransitionComplete({ requiresJsForInteractivity });

This only affects the initial page in a navigation session. For subsequent in-app navigations, normal marking and measuring is used.

Overriding the reported location

For most use-cases, the current location is passed into the LatencyTrackerRoot at the top of the app. For apps where this is not possible, the transition complete functionality takes an additional location parameter for overriding the root location value at the call site.


Using the UserTiming API, the framework generates marks and measures relevant to the timing of page transitions. These can be seen in the performance monitoring tab of browser developer tools to get a better sense of how pages are performing.

Dependencies (6)

Dev Dependencies (2)

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  • frgjdhskxjogu