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Super Journal

Super Journal is a command line app that allows you to read and write on a plain text journal in a very easy way.

I love plain text because it means you are in absolute control of your data. You will never have to pay monthly to read your journal, you will never be locked out of your journal by me or any other company.

How to Install

Super Journal is distributed through NPM, so if you have NodeJS and NPM installed, you can install Super Journal with the command below:

npm install -g super_journal

The -g part is important because it installs it as a global binary in your system. This way, the jnl command is available everywhere.

How to Configure

There are not many options to change in Super Journal, but it is important that you do a very basic configuration to make things work the way you want.

Super Journal is customized by placing a config.json file inside ~/.config/super_journal/ folder. These are the configuration values with its defaults:

    "directory": "~/journals",
    "journals": [
    "extension": "md"

directory: is where in your computer the journals will be saved.

journals: is an array of journal names. You can have multiple journals (you might want a separate work journal, for example). The FIRST journal in the list is your default journal.

extension: Is what extensions the journal files will have. The default is md, for markdown.

How to Use

Super Journal installs the jnl command in your computer. There are three basic commands to jnl, each one with many arguments you can pass.

  1. jnl write --> Write a new entry to one of your journals.
  2. jnl read --> It prints journal content in your terminal.
  3. jnl edit --> It opens the entire journal in your text editor.

Writing your journals

jnl write

The write command will open your default text editor (defined by the $EDITOR env variable) to edit an entry in your default journal, that will be dated with the current date and time. But you can pass it many arguments to customize the behavior.

These are all the arguments you can use with the jnl write command, and you can mix and match them:

Write to a specific journal

jnl write -j [journal]

jnl write --journal [journal]

If you have multiple journals, the app will write, by default, to the first journal defined in your config. If you want to write to a different one, you have to use the --journal argument, with the filename of the journal you want.

You can only use journals that were defined in your config file. This is to prevent a typo from creating a new journal file. For example, if you have a work journal and you write -j wrok, Super Journal will refuse to obey, to avoid creating a file with a single entry.


jnl write -j work

Use a different date or time

jnl write -d [datetime]

jnl write --date [datetime]

By default, Super Journal will use the current date and time to write an entry. You can change that by using the --date argument.

It expects a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD. If you don't pass the time, it will be saved as 00:00:00.

But there is a secret for the date! Instead of writing the entire year, month and day, you can use a special string. You can say today, yesterday, or the name of a day of the week like monday or saturday.

If you're using the date AND time, you have to put inside quotes (because terminals doesn't accept spaces in arguments).


jnl write -d 2018-09-10

The entry will be dated as September 10th, 2018.

jnl write -d "2018-02-05 13:40:00"

The entry will be dated February 5th, 2018, with the time of 13:40:00.

jnl write -d "yesterday 22:30"

An entry dated yesterday at 22:30.

jnl write -d sunday

An entry dated as of last sunday at 00:00.

Write the content directly in the command line

jnl write -c [content]

jnl write --content [content]

When you just want to write something quickly, you can use the --content parameter to not even open the editor. Just remember to put it inside quotes.

If you can even pair it with the --date parameter to quickly archive something that happened in the past. Very useful with shell scripts.


jnl write --content "This entry will be saved without opening the editor"

jnl write -d yesterday -c "This will to, and will be dated as of yesterday"

Reading your journals

jnl read

The read command in its basic version will print the last 10 entries of your default journal. But you can pass it various arguments to change the behavior of the command.

These are all the arguments you can use with the jnl read command:


jnl read -n [number]

jnl read --number [number]

You can give it any number you want, and it will print the amount of journal entries that you requestes.


jnl read -n 5: Will show the latest 5 entries.


jnl read -t [tags]

jnl read --tag [tags]

Will only return entries that have the tags you passed. You can pass a list of tags separated by commas, but there can be no space between them. Tags MUST begin with @ or it won't work.


jnl read -t @home

Will print only entries tagged @home.

jnl read -t @home,@family

Will print only entries that are tagged with both @home AND @family.


jnl read -j [journal]

jnl read --journal [journal]

You can tell the READ command which journal(s) to read from. You can list more than one journal, separated by commas, like you do with tags. You can also write all instead of name of journals, to read from ALL the journals in your config file.


jnl read -j work

Will read from your work journal, instead of the default one.

jnl read -j home,work

Will read from your home and work journal.

jnl read -j all

Will read entries from ALL of your journals. That is very useful to read your latest entries in general.


You can also filter for entries after a certain date, of before a date. Just remember that if you want to see many entries you have to also pass the -n (number) argument or it will be limited to 10 entries.

jnl read -f [date] -u [date]

jnl read --from [date] --until [date]

Dates must be in the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD formats. Example: 2018-02-01 12:00:00 means February 1st, 2018 at noon.

You don't have to use both dates. You can use just from or until, if that's what you want.


jnl read -from 2018-09-01

Will filter entries starting from September 1st, 2018.

jnl read -f 2018-10-10 -u 2018-10-13

Will only show entries between September 10th and September 13th of the year 2018.

If you combine it with something like -j all to read from all journals, that becomes a very useful tool to remember a slice of your life in all the contexts you write about.

Edit an entire journal in a text editor

jnl edit

This command opens your entire journal in your default text editor (defined by the $EDITOR environment variable). You can then edit whatever you want and save it.

By default it will open the first journal defined in your config file.

Edit a specific journal

jnl edit --journal [journal]

jnl edit -j [journal]

You can also pass it the --journal parameter to decide which journal you want to edit.


This was created by Leonardo Bighi.

You can find me on twitter.

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