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梭 suo-parser

GitHub Workflow Status (with event) npm

梭 (suo-parser) is a parser for parsing timeline files that are used in ACT Timeline, FairyZeta's ACT.Timeline, cactbot, etc.

(pronounced /swo̞/) in Chinese means "shuttle" (a device that is used in weaving to carry the thread), therefore, this word is also extended in meaning as "fast" in Chinese.

梭 (suo-parser) wants to be a fast and accurate parser for ACT Timeline files.


  • Parse a timeline file into AST that is compatible with ESTree.

    The AST types are defined in src/types.ts.

  • Transform a timeline file to a specific format (currently, only cactbot style is supported).


# If you use npm:
$ npm install suo-parser
# If you use yarn:
$ yarn add suo-parser

And then you can run suo <filename> to transform a timeline file to a specifical format.

If you are using yarn, you can run yarn suo <filename> instead.

Supporting Timeline Grammar

This project is planed to support the following grammar:

(It is not fully implemented yet. sorry!)

timeline = { entry | hide-all-stmt | alert-all-stmt | define-stmt | text-popup-stmt }

entry = time ws name [ws sync-stmt] [ws duration-stmt] [ws window-stmt] [ws jump-stmt]
hide-all-stmt = "hideall" ws name
alert-all-stmt = "alertall" ws name [ws before-stmt] [ws sound-stmt]
define-stmt = "define" ws "alertsound" ws name ws file-name
text-popup-stmt = ( "info" | "alert" | "alarm" ) "text" ws name time before-stmt [ws name]

sync-stmt = sync-regex-stmt | sync-netsync-stmt
sync-regex-stmt = "sync" ws "/" regex "/"
sync-netsync-stmt = netsync-type ws "{" ws sync-netsync-key-value-pair (ws "," ws sync-netsync-key-value-pair)* ws "}"
netsync-type = STRING+
sync-netsync-key-value-pair = name ws ":" ws '"' STRING+ '"'

duration-stmt = "duration" ws time
window-stmt = "window" ws time [ [ws] "," [ws] time ]
jump-stmt = "jump" ws time
before-stmt = "before" ws time
sound-stmt = "sound" ws file-name

file-name = name
name = '"' STRING+ '"' | STRING+
time = NUMBER+ | NUMBER+ "." NUMBER+
regex = ? regular expression literal ?
ws = ( " " | "\t" )*

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    • maiko_tan