
1.6.1 • Public • Published


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A super simple, markdown-based, static blog generator.

statyck takes Markdown files in a known directory/folder structure and generates a (Handlebars template-able) set of blog posts and pages, each with optional assets (images etc.).


If you're familiar with node installation and the command line (and you're on a *nix-like system), run this in your shell:

cd # Change to your home directory
mkdir statyck-blog # Make a new directory to contain your new blog
cd $_ # Change to the new blog directory
npm install statyck --production --global # Install Statyck
npm install statyck-theme-default --production >> /dev/null 2>&1 # Install the default theme for Statyck
statyck init # Initialise your new blog
statyck build # Build your new blog
statyck local # Run a local test instance of your blog so you can see it locally before deploying

(note: you may need to omit the >> /dev/null 2>&1 on non-*nix OS's e.g. Windows)

You should then see a message (roughly) as follows:

Local server running at - hit ctrl+c to stop

So you can now open in your browser and you'll see a very basic, starter website.

You can then modify your content inside ./content-source/ then run:

statyck build
statyck local

And test in your browser again. Once you're happy, you can copy your website files from ./output/ to your web server/service.


  • NodeJS and NPM (NPM is included in the installers from
    • Node version 6+ is required
  • Optional: Yarn


Via Yarn

yarn global add statyck

Note: For development use, omit the global command (i.e. run yarn add statyck)



npm install statyck --production --global

Note: For development use, omit the --production --global flags


Statyck uses themes to format the processed Markdown output into HTML, these themes are based on Handlebars.

Statyck is not bundled with a theme as of v1.5.0, instead you must install a theme, you can install the default theme via (assuming you're currently in the directory/folder which you'd like to host your new blog):

npm install statyck-theme-default --production >> /dev/null 2>&1

(note: you may need to omit the >> /dev/null 2>&1 on non-*nix OS's e.g. Windows)

It is not recommended to install themes globally as that makes running multiple blogs using different versions of themes more complex.

Themes are separated out from Statyck itself for several reasons, e.g.:

  • Theme authors can then fork the default theme as a starting point
  • Theme updates are independent of Statyck core which means that the update flow is simpler
  • The default theme can be uninstalled or never installed which saves a few bytes

Theme development

As noted above, a good starting point is to fork the default theme and modify it to your needs. See the docs there for more info.

Using statyck

Creating a new blog/website

Assuming you're currently in the directory/folder which you'd like to host your new blog and you have done a global install of statyck:

statyck init

This will create some directories/folders in the current working directory/folder.

Adding your content

You now need to edit the markdown files in content-source/pages and content-source/posts. You can:

  • Delete (or edit) the existing files
  • Create any new pages and/or posts you want:
    • One content-source/pages file for each page you want on your blog/website
    • One content-source/posts file for each blog post you want on your blog/website (they'll be listed in date order, newest first)
    • Both content-source/pages and content-source/posts must be valid Markdown files
    • Add any assets (e.g. images for pages/posts) in content-source/pages/assets or content-source/posts/assets inside the relevant directory/folder
      • Note: assets can be referenced in pages/posts via the path ./assets/<dir>/<asset filename>

Building your blog/website

statyck build

Note: the built files will be in ./output

Testing your website locally

Statyck v1.4.0 added a very simple local web server which you can use to test your website before you deploy it. Just run:

statyck local

WARNING This web server is absolutely NOT intended for any other usage than local testing, it's not at all resilient/stable and potentialy/probably insecure! Do not ever run a public service with this web server. For this reason, the web server binds to only - this is not configurable for a good reason! Sorry for the rant but this is important.

You can amend the port (:8080 by default) on which the local web server is run (e.g. if you have something running on/bound to already).

Deploying your blog/website

statyck doesn't currently handle deployments but you could, for example deploy to...:

  • AWS S3: aws s3 cp ./output/* s3://<bucket name>
  • Google Cloud Storage: gsutil -m cp -r ./output/* gs://<bucket name>

If you would like statyck to be able deploy, please let me know via issues and I'll consider your request. Likely any deployment addition would be via a plugin/addon system which would probably be independent of statyck in most/all regards.


This project aims to maintain the semver version numbering scheme.


Please see the changelog file

To do list, bugs, feature requests etc.

Please see issues


Contributions are very welcome for fixes, improvements, new features, documentation, bug reports and/or ideas. Please create a Github issue initially so we can discuss and agree actions/approach - that should save time all-round.

The ideal way to receive contributions is via a Github Pull Request from the master branch. Please ensure that at least unit tests (you can run these via npm test) and if possible, linter rules (npm run lint).

If you find a sensitive, security issue with this application, please email me privately in the first instance: neil [dot] craig [at] thedotproduct [dot] org.


MIT license


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