
0.0.6 • Public • Published

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Rubber-stamp is a library for generating project and project related files.


rubber-stamp is a library used with rstamp-cli to create Node.js projects that generate source code. The idea is that this lib provides a number of utilities needed during the creation of an initial project.


This adds the rubber-stamp to a library:

%> npm install rubber-stamp --save

However, if you have installed rstamp-cli then the better approach is to use the gen-gen template. So called because it generates a generator. That new generator will include the rubber-stamp as a dependency.


Within a new generator you'd write code of this variety:

source = 'directory/containing/files/to/copy/or/translate/'
target = './destination/directory'
model  = {}
Gen = require 'rubber-stamp'
Gen.using(sourcetargetmodel'GenProjectTest 1')
  .add((gn) ->'lib').mkdir().copy(''))
  .add((gn) ->'tests').mkdir().copy(''))

It should be noted that the generator follows a slightly different pattern. A generator typically needs to query the user for some input. Generally speaking the generator needs to know names of projects and files, and then from that derive other things. For instance, with just a 'name' you could create a directory, generate a new package.json and use a template to inject the name into the right property, etc.

The idea here is that running gen-gen will also include inquirer.js and setup some initial code that queries the user. With those answers, typically filling in the 'target' and model, you could run templates inserting values provided by the user, but also copy and process files to the target location using rubber-stamp.

The best example of this is the new-npm project itself.




See license file.

The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file 'license' at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

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Eclipse Public License (EPL)

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  • lcaballero