A React Component to display the success or failure of password strength rules that updates as a user types.
npm install --save react-password-checklist
yarn add react-password-checklist
Note: react is a peer dependency. You should be using this in a React project.
import React, {useState} from "react"
import PasswordChecklist from "react-password-checklist"
const SignUp = () => {
const [password, setPassword] = useState("")
const [passwordAgain, setPasswordAgain] = useState("")
return (
<input type="password" onChange={e => setPassword(e.target.value)}>
<label>Password Again:</label>
<input type="password" onChange={e => setPasswordAgain(e.target.value)}>
onChange={(isValid) => {}}
import React, {useState} from "react"
import PasswordChecklist from "react-password-checklist"
const SignUp = () => {
const [password, setPassword] = useState("")
const [passwordAgain, setPasswordAgain] = useState("")
return (
<input type="password" onChange={e => setPassword(e.target.value)}>
<label>Password Again:</label>
<input type="password" onChange={e => setPasswordAgain(e.target.value)}>
minLength: "La contraseña tiene más de 8 caracteres.",
specialChar: "La contraseña tiene caracteres especiales.",
number: "La contraseña tiene un número.",
capital: "La contraseña tiene una letra mayúscula.",
match: "Las contraseñas coinciden.",
Customize the component to display only the rules you need in the desired order you wish to display them.
Valid if the password meets the minimum length. Requires minLength
prop to be included.
Valid if the password meets the maximum length. Requires maxLength
prop to be included.
Valid if the password contains a special character from this list.
Valid if the password contains a number.
Valid if the password contains a capital letter.
Valid if the password matches the confirm password valid. Requires valueAgain
prop to be included.
Valid if the password contains a letter (capital or lowercase)
Valid if the password contains a lowercase letter
Valid if the password and confirm passwords both contain any character. Requires valueAgain
prop to be included.
Valid if the password contains both a capital letter and lowercase letter.
Valid if the password does not contain a space.
Prop | Description | Type | Required | Default |
rules | Rules to display in the order desired. Options are minLength , maxLength , specialChar ,number , letter , capital , match , lowercase , notEmpty , capitalAndLowercase , noSpaces
array | yes | |
value | Current potential password | string | yes | |
valueAgain | Current potential password confirmation | string | Only withmatch rule |
minLength | Minimum Password Length | number | Only withminLength rule |
maxLength | Maximum Password Length | number | Only withmaxLength rule |
specialCharsRegex | Regular expression to be used to validate the specialChars rule | RegExp | /[~`¿¡!#$%\^&*€£@+÷=\-\[\]\\';,/{}\(\)|\\":<>\?\.\_]/g |
onChange | Callback that is triggered when the validity of any rule changes. |
function | (isValid: boolean, failedRules: string[]) => {} |
messages | Object with keys as rules, and values as strings to use as the message to be displayed | object | ||
className | Class applied to the entire component | string | ||
rtl | apply rtl styles | boolean | false | |
hideIcon | Remove the SVG icon element | boolean | false | |
style | Inline styles applied to the outer component wrapper |
object | ||
iconSize | Size of ✔ or 𐄂 icon | number | 18 |
validTextColor | Color of valid text | string | Inherited color | |
invalidTextColor | Color of invalid text | string | Inherited color opacity 0.5 | |
validColor | Color of checkmark icon. Not used with custom iconComponents
string | #4BCA81 |
invalidColor | Color of X icon. Not used with custom iconComponents
string | #FF0033 |
iconComponents | Optional object containing keys of ValidIcon and InvalidIcon with a React Node to be displayed in place of icon. Both icons required if used. Example: {ValidIcon: <img src="valid.png" />, InvalidIcon: <img src="invalid.png" />}
object |
- Valid Message -
- Invalid Message
PRs are welcome for additional functionality! See the Run Locally section below. Pull requests should include unit tests and potentially storybook stories to cover the updates. Thanks!
npm i
to install dependencies.
npm run storybook