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A NPM Password strength checker based from Javascript RegExp. Check passphrase if it's "Too weak", "Weak", "Medium" or "Strong"
- npm
- password
- strength
- checker
- check password strength
- password strength checker
- strength checker
- password checker
- password checker strength
- strength password checker
- check-password-strength
- password-strength-checker
- strength-checker
- password-checker
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A React Component to display the success or failure of password strength rules, ideal for registration or password reset forms.
- password
- strength
- indicator
- meter
- validator
- validation
- form
- signup
- account
- creation
- signin
- react
- checker
- strong
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Check the strength of the password inputed and returns what needs to be updated in the password for that to be more strong.
- Password Strength Checker
- TypeScript Password Checker
- Password Checker
- Node.js
- Module
- Package
- Security
- Cryptography
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Configurable
- Criteria
- Uppercase
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A simple javascript utility to check password strength and complexity
- password
- password-strength
- password-complexity
- strong-password
- password-validation
- zod
- yup
- password-checker
- password-validator
- secure password
Check the strength of the password inputed and returns what needs to be updated in the password for that to be more strong.
- Password Strength Checker
- Password Checker
- Node.js
- Module
- Package
- Security
- Cryptography
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Configurable
- Criteria
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
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Password validator component for react applicacions
- password
- strength
- indicator
- meter
- validator
- validation
- form
- signup
- account
- creation
- signin
- react
- checker
- strong
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Password checker checks the strength of your passwords
A utility for evaluating password strength using entropy calculations and customizable rules. It’s easy to configure and doesn’t rely on any specific frameworks, making it highly adaptable for various applications.
- npm
- password
- strength
- checker
- check password strength
- password strength checker
- strength checker
- password checker
- password checker strength
- strength password checker
- check-password-strength
- password-strength-checker
- strength-checker
- password-checker
- View more
A NPM Password strength checker based from Javascript RegExp. Check passphrase if it's "Too weak", "Weak", "Medium" or "Strong"
- npm
- password
- strength
- checker
- check password strength
- password strength checker
- strength checker
- password checker
- password checker strength
- strength password checker
- check-password-strength
- password-strength-checker
- strength-checker
- password-checker
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A simple lightweight easy to use yet a very significant password verification library.
A React Component to display the success or failure of password strength rules, ideal for registration or password reset forms.
- password
- strength
- indicator
- meter
- validator
- validation
- form
- signup
- account
- creation
- signin
- react
- checker
- strong
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A library for analyzing the strength of a password
- password-analysis
- password
- password-strength
- password-validator
- password-checker
- password-security
- strong-password
- password-meter
- password-strength-checker
- secure-passwords
- react-password-analysis
- password-validation
- password-analyzer
- password-library
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A configurable password validator to ensure user credential security
- password
- security
- validation
- authentication
- password-strength
- password-policy
- password-checker
- password-validator
React password validation checker
- password
- strength
- indicator
- meter
- validator
- validation
- form
- signup
- account
- creation
- signin
- react
- checker
- strong
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An Angular library to check input password field strength and return invalid or valid statement
- angular
- strength-checker-component
- password-strength-checker-component
- password-checker
- input
- password
- strength
- check
- checker
- strenght-checker
- password-strength
- password-strenght-checker
- frontend
- front-end
A small lib to avaliate how safe is a password.
Your key to stronger passwords
- kith
- password
- passwords
- password-generator
- password-strength
- password-strength-rate
- password-checker
- pass
- password-js
This library was generated with [Angular CLI]( version 14.2.0.
A React Component to display the success or failure of password strength rules, ideal for registration or password reset forms.
- password
- strength
- indicator
- meter
- validator
- validation
- form
- signup
- account
- creation
- signin
- react
- checker
- strong
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