React Particles WebGL
A 2D/3D particle library built with React, Three.js and WebGL
react-particles-webgl was inspired by the popular particles.js library and built with react-three-fiber to offer smooth 60FPS high-count particle fields in both two and three dimensions.
Demo and config generator
Code Sandbox Demos
- 2D Green Particles
- 3D Snowfall
✨ Features
- Simple drop-in usage, plays nice with SSR (the demo is running Next.js)
- Smooth 60FPS particles and lines via WebGL
- Full Three.js OrbitControls for extreme (optional) scene interactivity
- Highly customizable particles and lines
yarn add react-particles-webgl three
import React from 'react';import ParticleField from 'react-particles-webgl'; /** * The default configuation for the ParticleField component * * Any option passed in via props will overwrite the default config */const config = // Display reference cube, useful for orienting the field showCube: true // '2D' or '3D' particle field dimension: '3D' // 'bounce' or 'passthru' // 'bounce' will make particles behave like balls thrown at a wall when hitting canvas boundaries // 'passthru' particles will disappear after hitting canvas boundaries and be added back into the scene elsewhere boundaryType: 'bounce' // Maximum velocity of particles velocity: 2 // Toggles antialiasing -- must be set during construction, cannot be changed after initial render // Slight performance optimization to set false, although lines will appear more jagged antialias: false // Min/Max multipliers which constraint how particles move in each direction // The default values here allow for particles to move in completely random x, y, z directions // See the "Snowfall" preset for an example of how to use these values direction: xMin: -1 xMax: 1 yMin: -1 yMax: 1 zMin: -1 zMax: 1 lines: // 'rainbow' or 'solid' color of lines colorMode: 'rainbow' // Color of lines if colorMode: 'solid', must be hex color color: '#351CCB' // Transparency of lines transparency: 09 // true/false limit the maximum number of line connections per particle limitConnections: true maxConnections: 20 // Minimum distance needed to draw line between to particles minDistance: 150 // true/false render lines visible: true particles: // 'rainbow' or 'solid' color of particles colorMode: 'rainbow' // Color of lines if colorMode: 'solid', must be hex color color: '#3FB568' // Transparency of particles transparency: 09 // 'square' or 'circle' shape of particles shape: 'square' // The exact number of particles to render count: 500 // The minimum particle size minSize: 10 // The maximum particle size maxSize: 75 // true/false render particles visible: true /* * The camera rig is comprised of Three.js OrbitControls * Pass any valid OrbitControls properties, consult docs for more info * * */ cameraControls: // Enable or disable all camera interaction (click, drag, touch etc) enabled: true // Enable or disable smooth dampening of camera movement enableDamping: true dampingFactor: 02 // Enable or disable zooming in/out of camera enableZoom: true // Enable or disable constant rotation of camera around scene autoRotate: true // Rotation speed -- higher is faster autoRotateSpeed: 03 // If true, camera position will be reset whenever any option changes (including this one) // Useful when turning off autoRotate, the camera will return to FOV where scene fits to canvas resetCameraFlag: false ; <ParticleField = />;
Local Development
Clone the repo
git clone react-particles-webglcd react-particles-webgl
Setup symlinks
yarn linkcd exampleyarn link react-particles-webgl
Run the library in development mode
yarn start
Run the example app in development mode
cd exampleyarn start
Changes to the library code should hot reload in the demo app
MIT © Tim Ellenberger