TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.19 • Public • Published


Note: This README is only relevant to the latest version of our plugin. If you are using an older version, please switch to the relevant tag on our GitHub repo to view the docs for that particular version. This plugin provides basic components of React Native for Easy Design and smooth experience to your React Native app(s).

🎉 🎉 🎉Special Announcement: We launch a new package react-native-basic-element-generator for generating react native project with a pre-defined file structure and some necessary configuration. It is ready to use.🎉 🎉 🎉

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Follow the instruction given bellow

npm install react-native-basic-elements

After run this command you have successfully install this plugin. Now you have to install react-native-vector-icons because we use icon internally.

npm install --save react-native-vector-icons

After installing react-native-vector-icons you have to configure it. Read the configuration process of react-native-vector-icons


CheckBox Component


import React, { useState } from 'react'
import {CheckBox} from 'react-native-basic-elements';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [check, setCheck] = useState(false);
    return (
            checked = {check}
            onChange = {(val) => setCheck(val)}
            size = {25}

ezgif com-gif-maker


Props Description Default
checked This is the default value of CheckBox. Props type boolean false
activeColor This color show when checked is set to true 'blue'
inactiveColor This color show when checked is set to false '#999'
tintColor Color of check icon. '#fff'
size Size of checkBox 16
containerStyle With this you can change the style of checkbox undefined


Props Description
onChnage This callback function is called when you click on checkbox. It returns boolean value

RadioButton Component


import React, { useState } from 'react'
import {RadioButton} from 'react-native-basic-elements';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [selected, setSelected] = useState(false);
    return (
            selected = {selected}
            onChange = {(val) => setSelected(val)}
            size = {25}

ezgif com-gif-maker-2


Props Description Default
selected This is the default value of RadioButton. Props type boolean false
activeColor This color show when selected is set to true 'blue'
inactiveColor This color show when selected is set to false '#999'
size Size of RadioButton 20
containerStyle With this you can change the style of RadioButton undefined


Props Description
onChnage This callback function is called when you click on RadioButton. It returns boolean value

Card Component

This is a card with pre-styled and clickable.


import {Card} from 'react-native-basic-elements';

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
            {/* Your JSX Elements */}


Props Description Default
style For styling the card. undefined
shadow This is for enabling or disabling pre defined shadow. Also you can overwrite them with defining shadow in style. It take boolean value. true

And it also support all View and Pressable props.

StatusBar Component

This is for status bar that configured on android and ios both.


import {StatusBar} from 'react-native-basic-elements';

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
            barStyle = 'light-content'


Props Description Default
backgroundColor For statusbar color. #fff
barStyle For StatusBar content color. Value type **`enum('dark-content', 'light-content') 'dark-content'
hidden This is used for show or hide the statusbar. false
translucent If the status bar is translucent. When translucent is set to true, the app will draw under the status bar. This is useful when using a semi transparent status bar color. false

Text Components

Screenshot 2022-09-12 at 10 47 55 PM

import {Container, Text} from 'react-native-basic-elements';

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
            style = {{
                alignItems: 'center'
                This is my Text

                title='This is my Heading'

                title='This is my SubHeading'

export default MyComponent;

We have 3 types of pre-configured Text Components bellow :


It's same as react-native Text component but it takes color autometic from theme.

Heading & SubHeading

Props Description
title It takes string in title.
style It is for styling the text.

And all Text props are available in those components.



import { Accordion } from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
                name: 'home',
                size: 25
                margin: 10
            {/* your design */}

export default MyComponent;


Props Description Default
title Title of the accordion. undefined
leftIcon Icon in the left side of the Title. Type of Icon Props undifined
openIcon It is used for right indicator when accordion is oppned 'chevron-up'
closeIcon It is used for right indicator when accordion is closed 'chevron-down'
titleStyle Style for title. undefined
containerStyle Style for accordion container undefined
inputStyle Style for accordion Input undefined
shadow If it is true then accordion has a shadow false
customElement You can add custom components from here. undefined
bottomElement You can add bottom components that is visiable when accordion is opened undefined



import { Accordion } from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
                name: 'home',
                size: 25
                margin: 10
                title='Home 1'
                    name: 'thumbs-up',
                    type: 'Feather'

                title='Home 2'
                    name: 'upload',
                    type: 'Feather'

                title='Home 2'
                    name: 'upload',
                    type: 'Feather'

export default MyComponent;

ezgif com-gif-maker (2)


Props Description Default
title Title of the accordion item. undefined
leftIcon Icon in the left side of the Title. Type of Icon Props undifined
titleStyle Style for title. undefined
style Style for accordion item container undefined
leftSpacing If it is true then the item take some spacing from left true



import { Accordion } from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    return (
                name: 'home',
                size: 25
                margin: 10
                        height: 200,
                        flex: 1,
                        borderWidth: 1

export default MyComponent;


Props Description Default
style Style for accordion item container undefined
leftSpacing If it is true then the item take some spacing from left true
children This is the custom children required

Dropdown Picker

Select Dropdown


import {Picker} from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [dropdownValue, setDropdownValue] = useState('');
    return (
                    label: 'Item 1',
                    value: 'item1'
                    label: 'Item 2',
                    value: 'item2'
                    label: 'Item 3',
                    value: 'item3'
                    label: 'Item 4',
                    value: 'item4'
                    label: 'Item 5',
                    value: 'item5'
                fontSize: 15
            onValueChange={(val) => setDropdownValue(val)}


Props Description Default
style Style of the Picker Component. undefined
options It takes an Array as options for the picker. []
placeholder Placeholder for the Picker Input undefined
showPlaceholder Show the placeholder or not. undefined
labelKey It takes that key as the lebel key from options Array 'label'
valueKey It takes that key as the value key from options Array 'value'
selectedValue It takes the defalut value(Required) ''
mode This is the mode of the Picker. Value type **`enum('dropdown', 'dialog') dropdown
containerStyle This is the Style of the input container undefined
iosModalBackGroundColor This is for ios. It change the modal background color. Theme card color
onValueChange Callback that is called when the picker change it's value. Changed item value is passed as a single string argument to the callback handler. undefined
dropdownIconColor On Android, specifies color of dropdown triangle. undefined

Multi Select Dropdown


import {Picker} from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [dropdownValue, setDropdownValue] = useState([]);
    return (
                        label: 'Item 1',
                        value: 'item1'
                        label: 'Item 2',
                        value: 'item2'
                        label: 'Item 3',
                        value: 'item3'
                        label: 'Item 4',
                        value: 'item4'
                        label: 'Item 5',
                        value: 'item5'
                        label: 'Item 6',
                        value: 'item6'
                        label: 'Item 7',
                        value: 'item7'
                        label: 'Item 8',
                        value: 'item8'
                        label: 'Item 9',
                        value: 'item9'
                        label: 'Item 10',
                        value: 'item10'
                returnDataType={(item) => { return {value: item.value} }}
                onValueChange={(val) => {


Props Description Default
modalContainerStyle Style for modal container. undefined
options It takes an Array as options for the picker. []
placeholder Placeholder for the Picker Input undefined
placeholderStyle Style for picker placeholder. undefined
labelKey It takes that key as the lebel key from options Array 'label'
valueKey It takes that key as the value key from options Array 'value'
selectedValues It takes the defalut value(Required) []
closeIcon Modal Close Icon. Type of Icon Props undefined
modalHeading Heading of the Selection modal 'Choose'
modalHeadingTitle Heading text style of the Selection modal undefined
itemContainerStyle This is the Item List style. undefined
itemTextStyle This is the Item List text style. undefined
selectedIcon This is the selected item icon. Type of Icon Props undefined
itemTextStyle This is the Item List text style. undefined
onValueChange Callback that is called when the picker change it's value. Changed item value is passed as a single string argument to the callback handler. undefined
returnDataType Takes an item from options, and which data type you return that will be give as value in onValueChange. (item) => {return item[valueKey]}

Custom Select Dropdown


import {Picker} from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [dropdownValue, setDropdownValue] = useState([]);
    return (
                    label: 'Item 1',
                    value: 'item1'
                    label: 'Item 2',
                    value: 'item2'
                    label: 'Item 3',
                    value: 'item3'
                    label: 'Item 4',
                    value: 'item4'
                    label: 'Item 5',
                    value: 'item5'
                    label: 'Item 6',
                    value: 'item6'
                    label: 'Item 7',
                    value: 'item7'
                    label: 'Item 8',
                    value: 'item8'
                    label: 'Item 9',
                    value: 'item9'
                    label: 'Item 10',
                    value: 'item10'
            renderItem={(item, index, onPress, isSelected) => {
                return (
                            height: 50,
                            justifyContent: 'center',
                            paddingHorizontal: 10,
                            backgroundColor: isSelected ? 'green' : undefined


Props Description Default
inputStyle Style for dropdown input. undefined
inputTextStyle Text Style of dropdown input. undefined
selectedValue It takes the defalut value(Required) ''
placeholder Placeholder for the Picker Input undefined
placeholderColor Color for picker placeholder. '#999'
options It takes an Array as options for the picker. []
labelKey It takes that key as the lebel key from options Array 'label'
valueKey It takes that key as the value key from options Array 'value'
backdropColor It is the color of backdrop. '#000000'
backdropOpacity It is opacity of the color of backdrop. 0.5
backdrop It takes a boolean value to ensure that backdrop is shown or not true
modalContainerStyle Style for modal container. undefined
modalBackgroundColor Background Color for modal container. '#ffffff
closeIcon Modal Close Icon. Type of Icon Props undefined
inputRightIcon Input Right Icon. Type of Icon Props undefined
modalHeading Heading of the Selection modal 'Choose'
modalHeadingTitle Heading text style of the Selection modal undefined
modalHeaderShadow Show the header shadow or not. true
showHeader Show the header or not. true
onValueSelect Callback that is called when the picker change it's value. Changed item value is passed as a single string argument to the callback handler. undefined
renderItem It's a function. From it, you should return a ReactElement that will show in the modal as an item. undefined

Outline Select Dropdown


import {Picker} from 'react-native-basic-components';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [dropdownValue, setDropdownValue] = useState([]);
    return (
                    label: 'Item 1',
                    value: 'item1'
                    label: 'Item 2',
                    value: 'item2'
                    label: 'Item 3',
                    value: 'item3'
                    label: 'Item 4',
                    value: 'item4'
                    label: 'Item 5',
                    value: 'item5'
                    label: 'Item 6',
                    value: 'item6'
                    label: 'Item 7',
                    value: 'item7'
                    label: 'Item 8',
                    value: 'item8'
                    label: 'Item 9',
                    value: 'item9'
                    label: 'Item 10',
                    value: 'item10'
            renderItem={(item, index, onPress, isSelected) => {
                return (
                            height: 50,
                            justifyContent: 'center',
                            paddingHorizontal: 10,
                            backgroundColor: isSelected ? 'green' : undefined


Props Description Default
inputStyle Style for dropdown input. undefined
borderWidth Style for border width . 1
inputTextStyle Text Style of dropdown input. undefined
selectedValue It takes the defalut value(Required) ''
placeholder Placeholder for the Picker Input undefined
activeBorderColor This is the color of the input border when the input is Focused 'blue'
inactiveBorderColor This is the color of the input border when the input is not Focused '#000'
placeholderColor Color for picker placeholder. '#999'
placeholderTextStyle This is tha style for styling the placeholder text. '#999'
options It takes an Array as options for the picker. []
labelKey It takes that key as the lebel key from options Array 'label'
valueKey It takes that key as the value key from options Array 'value'
backdropColor It is the color of backdrop. '#000000'
backdropOpacity It is opacity of the color of backdrop. 0.5
backdrop It takes a boolean value to ensure that backdrop is shown or not true
modalContainerStyle Style for modal container. undefined
modalBackgroundColor Background Color for modal container. '#ffffff
containerStyle It is the style of the whole container including. none
closeIcon Modal Close Icon. Type of Icon Props undefined
inputRightIcon Input Right Icon. Type of Icon Props undefined
modalHeading Heading of the Selection modal 'Choose'
modalHeadingTitle Heading text style of the Selection modal undefined
modalHeaderShadow Show the header shadow or not. true
placeholderTextSize Show the header shadow or not. 18
showHeader Show the header or not. true
modalHeadingTitleStyle It is the style of Modal Heading. undefine
onValueSelect Callback that is called when the picker change it's value. Changed item value is passed as a single string argument to the callback handler. undefined
renderItem It's a function. From it, you should return a ReactElement that will show in the modal as an item. undefined

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (18)

Package Sidebar


npm i react-native-basic-elements

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  • ayand269
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