TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

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📖 Table of Contents

💾 Installation

yarn add r6api.js


npm install r6api.js

🍴 Initialization

To setup this package, you need to provide Ubisoft account credentials (email and password). Credentials should be handled as you would handle any other secure value, it is recommended to use dotenv package to load environment variables from a .env.

Do not use your real Ubisoft account. It is highly recommended to create a new account for using this package. Visit account.ubisoft.com/login to create new account.

👀 Example

import R6API from 'r6api.js';

const { email = '', password = '' } = process.env;
const r6api = new R6API({ email, password });

const user = await r6api
  .findUserByUsername({ platform: 'uplay', usernames: ['Daniel.Nt'] })

if (!user) console.log('User not found');
else console.log(user);


Table of Contents



uplay, xbl, psn

Services Extended

uplay, xbl, psn, steam, epic, amazon, amazonstream, googlestream, switch, ubimobile, wiiu, apple

Services and Crossplay

uplay, xbl, psn, crossplay


pc, xone, ps4

Platform Families

pc, console



Parameter Type Required Default Description
email string undefined Ubisoft account's email
password string undefined Ubisoft account's password
ubiAppId string '3587dcbb-7f81-457c-9781-0e3f29f6f56a' Ubi-AppId header for every request
profileId string undefined Will be used in auth file name
authDirPath string node:os.tmpdir() Directory where auth is stored
authFileName string 'r6api.js-auth' Name for auth file without extension, if profileId paremeter provided appends -${profileId}
authFilePath string undefined Overrides authDirPath and authFileName parameters, if profileId paremeter provided appends -${profileId}


Find user by their username.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
platform ServiceExtended Services Extended
usernames string[] Usernames (50 max)
await r6api.findUserByUsername({ platform: 'uplay', usernames: ['Daniel.Nt'] });
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    userId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    idOnPlatform: '0B95544B-0228-49A7-B338-6D15CFBC3D6A',
    username: 'Daniel.Nt',
    platform: 'uplay',
    avatars: {
      '146': 'https://ubisoft-avatars.akamaized.net/0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a/default_146_146.png',
      '256': 'https://ubisoft-avatars.akamaized.net/0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a/default_256_256.png',
      '500': 'https://ubisoft-avatars.akamaized.net/0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a/default_tall.png'


Find user by their profileId or userId or idOnPlatform.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
platform ServiceExtended | 'all' Services Extended
ids string[] profileIds or idOnPlatforms or userId if isUserId parameter is true (50 max)
isUserIds boolean false Whether ids are userIds
await r6api.findUserById({
  platform: 'uplay',
  ids: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a']
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    userId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    idOnPlatform: '0B95544B-0228-49A7-B338-6D15CFBC3D6A',
    username: 'Daniel.Nt',
    platform: 'uplay',
    avatars: {
      '146': 'https://ubisoft-avatars.akamaized.net/0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a/default_146_146.png',
      '256': 'https://ubisoft-avatars.akamaized.net/0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a/default_256_256.png',
      '500': 'https://ubisoft-avatars.akamaized.net/0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a/default_tall.png'


Get user progression (level, xp and alpha pack drop chance).


Parameter Type Required Default Description
platform ServiceAndCrossplay Services and Crossplay
profileIds string[] profileIds (200 max)
spacesIds Record<ServiceAndCrossplay, string> { uplay: '5172a557-50b5-4665-b7db-e3f2e8c5041d', psn: '05bfb3f7-6c21-4c42-be1f-97a33fb5cf66', xbl: '98a601e5-ca91-4440-b1c5-753f601a2c90', crossplay: '0d2ae42d-4c27-4cb7-af6c-2099062302bb' }
sandboxesIds Record<ServiceAndCrossplay, string> { uplay: 'OSBOR_PC_LNCH_A', psn: 'OSBOR_PS4_LNCH_A', xbl: 'OSBOR_XBOXONE_LNCH_A', crossplay: 'OSBOR_XPLAY_LNCH_A' }
await r6api.getUserProgression({
  platform: 'uplay',
  profileIds: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a']
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    level: 347,
    xp: 62368,
    lootboxProbability: { raw: 3000, percent: '30.00%' }


Get user seasonal stats.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
platform ServiceAndCrossplay Services and Crossplay
profileIds string[] profileIds (200 max)
seasonIds number[] [-1] Numbers from 1*¹ to 27 it's crossplay, then from 28 to 29, -1 or 'all'
regionSlugs string | string[] 'global'\*² ('emea' | 'ncsa' | 'apac')[] | 'global' | 'all'
boardLongSlugs string[] ['pvp_ranked'] ('pvp_ranked' | 'pvp_casual' | 'pvp_event' | 'pvp_newcomer' | 'pvp_warmup')[] | 'all'
spacesIds Record<ServiceAndCrossplay, string> { uplay: '5172a557-50b5-4665-b7db-e3f2e8c5041d', psn: '05bfb3f7-6c21-4c42-be1f-97a33fb5cf66', xbl: '98a601e5-ca91-4440-b1c5-753f601a2c90', crossplay: '0d2ae42d-4c27-4cb7-af6c-2099062302bb' }
sandboxesIds Record<ServiceAndCrossplay, string> { uplay: 'OSBOR_PC_LNCH_A', psn: 'OSBOR_PS4_LNCH_A', xbl: 'OSBOR_XBOXONE_LNCH_A', crossplay: 'OSBOR_XPLAY_LNCH_A' }

*¹ Seasons with id 1..5 will not return any meangfull data

'global' will be replaced with ['emea', 'ncsa', 'apac'] when season id <= 17 (Void Edge)

Seasons reference
ID Name ·  ID Name
1 Black Ice 16 Shifting Tides
2 Dust Line 17 Void Edge
3 Skull Rain 18 Steel Wave
4 Red Crow 19 Shadow Legacy
5 Velvet Shell 20 Neon Dawn
6 Health 21 Crimson Heist
7 Blood Orchid 22 North Star
8 White Noise 23 Crystal Guard
9 Chimera 24 High Calibre
10 Para Bellum 25 Demon Veil
11 Grim Sky 26 Vector Glare
12 Wind Bastion 27 Brutal Swarm
13 Burnt Horizon 28 Solar Raid
14 Phantom Sight 29 Commanding Force
15 Ember Rise
Regions reference
ID Name
global Global
emea Europe, Middle East and Africa
ncsa North, Central and South America
apac Asia Pacific
Boards reference
Board Minimum Season
Ranked (ranked) Health (6)
Casual (casual) Ember Rise (15)
Deathmatch (warmup) Demon Veil (25)
Event (event) Shifting Tides (16)
Newcomer (newcomer) Wind Bastion (12)

NOTE: Unranked uses casual's board

await r6api.getUserSeasonal({
  platform: 'crossplay',
  profileIds: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a']
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    region: { slug: 'global', name: 'Global' },
    board: { slug: 'pvp_ranked', name: 'Ranked' },
    rank: {
      id: 14,
      name: 'Silver II',
      mmr: 2491,
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/silver_2.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/0PLZUFs3fqKBTLh1gYyY8/7cabc5ba4522f725583faac165ff5130/R6S_RANK_500x500_Silver_02.png'
    maxRank: {
      id: 16,
      name: 'Gold V',
      mmr: 2716,
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/gold_5.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/QWDG4I2KaxDN8s2nbaAIY/f1df73e40fe9172a209982dc85862a5b/RANK_L_Gold_05.png'
    lastMatch: {
      resultCode: 1,
      resultText: 'won',
      mmrChange: 103,
      skillMeanChange: 1.0389761567,
      skillStdevChange: -0.0666760118
    pastSeasons: {
      wins: 0,
      losses: 0,
      wl: 0,
      winRate: '0%',
      matches: 0,
      abandons: 0
    previousMmr: 2400,
    nextMmr: 2500,
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 99,
    deaths: 127,
    kd: 0.78,
    wins: 10,
    losses: 16,
    wl: 0.63,
    winRate: '38%',
    matches: 26,
    abandons: 0,
    skillMean: 24.9143546546,
    skillStdev: 5.9461222759,
    updateTime: '2023-02-01T03:32:58.428000+00:00'


Get user seasonal v2 (Rank Points)

Required r6api client with ubiAppId: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40' option.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
profileIds string[] profileIds
platformsFamilies PlatformFamily[] ['pc', 'console'] Platforms Families
spacesIds Record<ServiceAndCrossplay, string> { uplay: '5172a557-50b5-4665-b7db-e3f2e8c5041d', psn: '05bfb3f7-6c21-4c42-be1f-97a33fb5cf66', xbl: '98a601e5-ca91-4440-b1c5-753f601a2c90', crossplay: '0d2ae42d-4c27-4cb7-af6c-2099062302bb' } Services and Crossplay
await r6api.getUserSeasonalv2({
  platform: 'pc',
  profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a'
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'pc',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'casual', name: 'Casual' },
    rank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 113,
    deaths: 60,
    kd: 1.88,
    wins: 6,
    losses: 1,
    wl: 6,
    winRate: '86%',
    abandons: 43,
    matches: 50
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'pc',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'event', name: 'Event' },
    rank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kd: 0,
    wins: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wl: 0,
    winRate: '0%',
    abandons: 0,
    matches: 0
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'pc',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'warmup', name: 'Deathmatch' },
    rank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 35,
    deaths: 35,
    kd: 1,
    wins: 2,
    losses: 0,
    wl: 2,
    winRate: '100%',
    abandons: 3,
    matches: 5
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'pc',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'ranked', name: 'Ranked' },
    rank: {
      rp: 56,
      mmr: 1656,
      id: 7,
      slug: 'bronze_4',
      name: 'Bronze IV',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/bronze_4.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/3fi46SbCqO8EfoR6Jij27d/c5f44a5e33e7b8091684e08da032d1df/R6S_RANK_500x500_Bronze_04.png',
      range: [ 1600, 1699 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 56,
      mmr: 1656,
      id: 7,
      slug: 'bronze_4',
      name: 'Bronze IV',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/bronze_4.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/3fi46SbCqO8EfoR6Jij27d/c5f44a5e33e7b8091684e08da032d1df/R6S_RANK_500x500_Bronze_04.png',
      range: [ 1600, 1699 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 99,
    deaths: 127,
    kd: 0.78,
    wins: 10,
    losses: 16,
    wl: 0.63,
    winRate: '38%',
    abandons: 0,
    matches: 26
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'console',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'casual', name: 'Casual' },
    rank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kd: 0,
    wins: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wl: 0,
    winRate: '0%',
    abandons: 0,
    matches: 0
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'console',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'event', name: 'Event' },
    rank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kd: 0,
    wins: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wl: 0,
    winRate: '0%',
    abandons: 0,
    matches: 0
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'console',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'warmup', name: 'Deathmatch' },
    rank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 0,
      mmr: 0,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kd: 0,
    wins: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wl: 0,
    winRate: '0%',
    abandons: 0,
    matches: 0
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'console',
    season: {
      id: 28,
      shorthand: 'Y7S4',
      slug: 'solar_raid',
      name: 'Solar Raid',
      hexColorCode: '#d03314',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s4.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/1ZSXgYK6dLal6jI7JRN85T/7aa312f549948b8a19c9afb5fae12776/R6S_Live_Y7S4_SolarRaid_Keyart.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-12-06T00:00:00.000Z'
    board: { slug: 'ranked', name: 'Ranked' },
    rank: {
      rp: 1000,
      mmr: 1000,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    maxRank: {
      rp: 1000,
      mmr: 1000,
      id: 0,
      slug: 'unranked',
      name: 'Unranked',
      icon: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/ranks/v3/pngs/unranked.png',
      iconOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6HQlEdlInHQ2B2ZbHygp2x/cfa4500a6a30419d862a74736416e5fc/R6S_RANK_None_L.png',
      range: [ 0, 999 ]
    topRankPosition: 0,
    kills: 0,
    deaths: 0,
    kd: 0,
    wins: 0,
    losses: 0,
    wl: 0,
    winRate: '0%',
    abandons: 0,
    matches: 0


Get user stats


Parameter Type Required Default Description
platform Platform
profileId string
view string 'seasonal' value only valid when aggregation is 'summary'
aggregation string
gameModes string[] undefined
teamRoles string[] undefined
seasonsId number[] undefined Numbers from 0 to 29. Mutually exclusive with startDate and endDate
startDate string undefined Mutually exclusive with seasonId
startDate string undefined Mutually exclusive with seasonId

NOTE: seasonId is mutually exclusive with startDate and endDate

await r6api.getUserStats({
  platform: 'uplay',
  profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
  view: 'seasonal',
  aggregation: 'summary',
  gameMode: 'ranked',
  teamRole: 'all',
  seasonId: 25
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    platform: 'uplay',
    region: 'all',
    gameMode: 'ranked',
    teamRole: 'all',
    view: 'seasonal',
    aggregation: 'summary',
    season: {
      id: 25,
      shorthand: 'Y7S1',
      slug: 'demon_veil',
      name: 'Demon Veil',
      hexColorCode: '#b27400',
      thumbnail: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielwerg/r6data/master/assets/seasons/y7s1.jpg',
      thumbnailOfficial: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6diil0gexoNXNCKtwpPPQZ/ace6f9e6e1e1578a2255ac0e5cb67b7c/r6s-seasons-y7s1.jpg',
      releaseDate: '2022-03-15T00:00:00.000Z'
    wins: 72,
    losses: 69,
    matches: 141,
    wl: 1.0435,
    winRate: '51%',
    rounds: {
      wins: 429,
      losses: 419,
      played: 848,
      wl: 1.02,
      winRate: '51%',
      withAKill: 0.487,
      withMultiKill: 0.2193,
      withOpeningKill: 0.0896,
      withOpeningDeath: 0.079,
      withKOST: 0.5932,
      withClutch: 0.0071,
      withAnAce: 0.0024,
      survived: 0.2724
    minutesPlayed: 3044,
    kills: 662,
    death: 617,
    assists: 168,
    kd: 1.0729,
    killsPerRound: 0.7807,
    headshots: 238,
    headshotAccuracy: 0.3595,
    meleeKills: 17,
    teamKills: 5,
    openingKills: 76,
    openingDeaths: 67,
    trades: 69,
    openingKillTrades: 6,
    openingDeathTrades: 7,
    revives: 14,
    distanceTravelled: 141404,
    distancePerRound: 166.75,
    timeAlivePerMatch: 587.6596,
    timeDeadPerMatch: 196.5958


Get user status.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
userIds string[] User ids (50 max)
fetchApplications boolean false Fetch name for applications
await r6api.getUserStatus({
  userIds: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a']
    userId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    status: 'offline',
    applications: [],
    manuallySet: null


Get user owned applications.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
profileIds string[] profileIds (100 max)
fetchApplications boolean false Fetch name and platform for applications
await r6api.getUserApplications({
  profileId: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a']
    profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    applications: [
        id: '46f0b36b-b947-4d9c-b9dc-9a34b52ab59a',
        name: null,
        platform: null,
        sessionsPlayed: 10,
        daysPlayed: 7,
        lastPlayedDate: '2020-10-27T17:11:38.771Z',
        firstPlayedDate: '2019-04-19T22:05:01.850Z'
        id: '87843b9b-516d-4a58-824b-f658d1361ad1',
        name: null,
        platform: null,
        sessionsPlayed: 2,
        daysPlayed: 2,
        lastPlayedDate: '2016-03-21T18:28:25.434Z',
        firstPlayedDate: '2016-03-18T16:18:43.603Z'
        id: 'a427a342-56bb-437b-b835-fa695c75893b',
        name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - Test Server',
        platform: 'PC',
        sessionsPlayed: 137,
        daysPlayed: 72,
        lastPlayedDate: '2020-11-16T05:35:45.229Z',
        firstPlayedDate: '2017-06-01T20:10:13.424Z'
        id: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
        name: 'Rainbow Six Siege',
        platform: 'PC',
        sessionsPlayed: 2344,
        daysPlayed: 1221,
        lastPlayedDate: '2021-02-04T12:35:13.173Z',
        firstPlayedDate: '2015-12-01T19:33:41.284Z'
        id: 'f68a4bb5-608a-4ff2-8123-be8ef797e0a6',
        name: 'Ubisoft Connect Client',
        platform: 'PC',
        sessionsPlayed: 2285,
        daysPlayed: 1766,
        lastPlayedDate: '2023-01-29T21:48:51.696Z',
        firstPlayedDate: '2015-12-01T19:31:18.107Z'


Get user played games.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
profileIds string[] profileIds (20 max)
fetchApplications boolean false Fetch name for applications
await r6api.getUserGamesPlayed({
  profileIds: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a']
    spaceId: '0d2ae42d-4c27-4cb7-af6c-2099062302bb',
    spacePlatform: 'crossplay',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
        name: 'Rainbow Six Siege',
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: 'e17be87d-2996-4f3b-97c4-19bb2dae2933',
    spacePlatform: 'PC',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: 'f68a4bb5-608a-4ff2-8123-be8ef797e0a6',
        name: 'Ubisoft Connect Client',
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: '5172a557-50b5-4665-b7db-e3f2e8c5041d',
    spacePlatform: 'PC',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
        name: 'Rainbow Six Siege',
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: '5c22ec5f-d475-4ec1-8c60-0c28ce9affed',
    spacePlatform: 'crossplay',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: 'a427a342-56bb-437b-b835-fa695c75893b',
        name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - Test Server',
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: '41aebcf5-56eb-4f1e-b154-9eb46718f465',
    spacePlatform: 'PC',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: 'a427a342-56bb-437b-b835-fa695c75893b',
        name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - Test Server',
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: '029e8254-57fe-4d2a-8a40-bb321f0f660d',
    spacePlatform: 'ANDROID',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: '46f0b36b-b947-4d9c-b9dc-9a34b52ab59a',
        name: null,
        platform: 'ANDROID',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: '4a1562a4-c4d2-4bc5-a85e-f3db588b0072',
    spacePlatform: 'PC',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: 'd71bf270-d6b1-4ae1-9546-338ce292e125',
        name: null,
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null
    spaceId: '6edd234a-abff-4e90-9aab-b9b9c6e49ff7',
    spacePlatform: 'PC',
    firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
    lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
    sessionsCount: null,
    applications: [
        id: '87843b9b-516d-4a58-824b-f658d1361ad1',
        name: null,
        platform: 'PC',
        firstPlayed: { createdAt: null, countryCode: null },
        lastPlayed: { updatedAt: null, countryCode: null },
        sessionsCount: null


Get applications.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
applicationIds string[] Applications ids (50 max)
await r6api.getApplications({
  applicationIds: ['f68a4bb5-608a-4ff2-8123-be8ef797e0a6']
    id: 'f68a4bb5-608a-4ff2-8123-be8ef797e0a6',
    name: 'Ubisoft Connect Client',
    platform: 'PC',
    spaceId: 'e17be87d-2996-4f3b-97c4-19bb2dae2933'


Get game service status.

await r6api.getServiceStatus();
    appId: '8956241d-236d-4dbd-9e1e-bf6ed133773a',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - China - PC - LIVE',
    spaceId: '',
    mdm: '23702',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PC',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - Luna - LIVE',
    spaceId: '',
    mdm: '',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'Luna',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - PC - LIVE',
    spaceId: '',
    mdm: '4073',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PC',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: 'fb4cc4c9-2063-461d-a1e8-84a7d36525fc',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - PS4 - LIVE',
    spaceId: '05bfb3f7-6c21-4c42-be1f-97a33fb5cf66',
    mdm: '14922',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PS4',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - PS5 - LIVE',
    spaceId: '96c1d424-057e-4ff7-860b-6b9c9222bdbf',
    mdm: '25365',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PS5',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - XBOX SERIES X - LIVE',
    spaceId: '631d8095-c443-4e21-b301-4af1a0929c27',
    mdm: '25366',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'XBOX SERIES X',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '4008612d-3baf-49e4-957a-33066726a7bc',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - XBOXONE - LIVE',
    spaceId: '98a601e5-ca91-4440-b1c5-753f601a2c90',
    mdm: '4075',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'XBOXONE',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []


Get game news.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
locale string 'en-gb'
fallbackLocale string 'en-us'
category string 'all' 'all', 'game-updates', 'patch-notes', 'community', 'store', 'esports'
media string 'all' 'all', 'news', 'videos'
placement string '' Ex: 'featured-news-article'
limit number 6
skip number 0
startIndex number 0
tags string[] ['BR-rainbow-six GA-siege']
await r6api.getNews({ limit: 1 });
  total: 774,
  limit: 1,
  categories: 'all',
  media: 'all',
  skip: 0,
  startIndex: 0,
  placement: [],
  tags: [ 'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege' ],
  items: [
      id: '5W4Tn6l3RvzhbnKDYBMDTl',
      title: 'Y7S4.2 Patch Notes',
      abstract: 'See the upcoming changes to Rainbow Six Siege with the release of Y7S4.2',
      thumbnail: {
        url: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/6pOZyZoqf6DZ4MPaECBxw4/ea81db29b0498c81941b16aa59cd355c/Y7S4.2_PatchNotes.jpg',
        description: null
      content: 'See the upcoming changes to Rainbow Six Siege with the release of Y7S4.2\n' +
        '\n' +
        '## Y7S4.2 PATCH SIZE\n' +
        '\n' +
        'Find the download sizes for each platform below.\n' +
        '\n' +
        '- Ubisoft Connect: 1.21 GB\n' +
        '- Steam: 476.25 MB\n' +
        '- Xbox One: 1.10 GB\n' +
        '- Xbox Series X: 1.10 GB\n' +
        '- PS4: 1.65 GB\n' +
        '- PS5: 1.09 GB\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '## OPERATOR BALANCING\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### TWITCH\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Increased regular drones to 2 (from 1)\n' +
        '-   Removed Vertical Grip from F2\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### GRIM\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Added 1.5x and 2.0x sights to Commando 552\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '## WEAPON BALANCING\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### EXTENDED BARREL\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   (New) Damage bonus: increases weapon damage by 15%\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### PARA-308 (CAPITÃO)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Damage: reduced to 47 (from 48)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### SUPERNOVA (ECHO, HIBANA, AMARU)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Damage: increased to 55 (from 48)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### 9MM C1 (FROST)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Damage: reduced to 36 (from 45)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### AR-15.50 & M4 (MAVERICK)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Damage: increased to 67 (from 62)\n' +
        '-   Added 2.0x sights to M4\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### UZK50GI (THORN)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Damage: reduced to 36 (from 44)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### AUG A2 (WAMAI, IQ)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Vertical recoil: increased upward speed.\n' +
        '-   Horizontal recoil: Long bursts now have an increased spread and tend to pull left.\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### COMMANDO 552 (GRIM, IQ)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Damage: reduced to 47 (from 48)\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### HIP FIRE PRECISION\n' +
        '\n' +
        '*WEAPONS AFFECTED*\n' +
        '\n' +
        '-   Spread increased:  AK12, ARX 200, SC3000K, LMG-E, 6P41, T-95, 417, AR-15.50, CAMRS, MK14\n' +
        '-   Spread reduced: P10-C\n' +
        '-   Burst growth increased: AUG A2, AUG A3, POF 9, LMG-E, 6P41, T-95, 417, AR-15.50, MK14\n' +
        '-   Burst growth reduced: CAMRS \n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### PLAYER COMFORT\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Advanced controller options__\n' +
        '\n' +
        "-   Players on PC and consoles can customize their controllers' aim controls with Advanced Controller Options.\n" +
        '-   These options can be found in the Controller section of the Controls option menu.  \n' +
        "-   We'll be listening to player feedback to further improve this feature and offer new options as needed\n" +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '## Bug Fixes\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### GAMEPLAY\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Most played Operators are not being chosen when inactive on the Random Operator selection screen.\n' +
        '\n' +
        "FIXED - POF-9 recoil pattern isn't displayed in Weapon Loadout screen and Shooting Range records.\n" +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Button to access chat is not functional when Covert Voice to Text option is on during gameplay sessions.\n' +
        '\n' +
        "FIXED - Match loadout when round begins sometimes does not match player's loadout during character select stage.\n" +
        '\n' +
        '### LEVEL DESIGN\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Players can peek above the reinforcement at EXT Garage Balcony on Outback Map.\n' +
        '\n' +
        `FIXED - Echo's Yokai drone and Valkyrie's Black Eye camera are able to scan the attackers at the "EXT Park" location immediately after they spawn when positioned on the ceiling of the 1F Lobby location on Nighthaven Labs.\n` +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Multiple LOD issues on various maps.\n' +
        '\n' +
        '### OPERATORS\n' +
        '\n' +
        "FIXED - Solis can't shoot if SPEC-IO gets deactivated at the same time that Solis activates it.\n" +
        '\n' +
        "FIXED - Caveira's hair clips into her face in the Home section.\n" +
        '\n' +
        "FIXED - Doc's Stim Pistol is missing the keyword action reminder.\n" +
        '\n' +
        "FIXED - While SPEC-IO is active, Solis' arms and phone clip through the AR HUD when entering Observation Tool view.\n" +
        '\n' +
        '### USER EXPERIENCE\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Icon previews for loadouts do not load properly during the operator selection phase.\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - No offers are displayed in the Gift to Friends section in Ubisoft Connect.\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Players can duplicate their account by unlinking an account and relinking to a new account.\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Players experience an infinite loading when attempting to convert any pack while also switching to a different one at the same time.\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Prompt to Apply Changes appears in Options menu despite no changes being made.\n' +
        '\n' +
        'FIXED - Various UI issues.\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '---\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        'Follow us and share your feedback on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game), [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/Rainbow6/) and on our [forums](https://discussions.ubisoft.com/category/609/rainbow-six-siege?lang=en-US).',
      description: undefined,
      categories: null,
      tag: 'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege',
      readTime: 4,
      url: 'https://ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/5W4Tn6l3RvzhbnKDYBMDTl/y7s42-patch-notes',
      date: '2023-01-24T12:00:00.000Z'


Get game news by id.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
id string News id
locale string 'en-gb'
fallbackLocale string 'en-us'
tags string[] ['BR-rainbow-six GA-siege']
await r6api.getNewsById({ id: '26Ar2mQAv7zwB6MN61HVPt' });
  total: 774,
  tags: [ 'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege' ],
  items: [
      id: '26Ar2mQAv7zwB6MN61HVPt',
      title: 'Demon Veil Reddit AMA Wrap-Up',
      abstract: 'Miss our recent Reddit AMA on Maps & Ops? We’ve collected our answers here for easy reading – and keep an eye out on our channels for future AMAs!',
      thumbnail: {
        url: 'https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3yJr34U2pZ2Ieem48Dwy9uqj5PNUQTn/HumVNrTEeDEbkA3ibpHiU/c214adb4a29d6aeab90f73dd74467fad/DevTeamAMARecap_ArticleHeader.png',
        description: ''
      content: 'Coming hot off the recent release of Emerald Plains, our dev team were excited to answer your burning questions about Maps and Operators - past, present, and future. Over the course of the AMA, they answered a variety of topics, including night maps, the design process of Emerald Plains, and their approach to keeping Siege fresh each season. [You can review the full AMA here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/ama_we_are_the_rainbow_six_siege_dev_team_ask_us/)\n' +
        '\n' +
        "We're planning more focused AMAs like this in the future to cover a range of different topics, so keep an eye out for future Q&As!\n" +
        '\n' +
        '---\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__MAPS__\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *What are your plans to combat players banning future new maps/reworks instead of giving them an honest chance?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__A:__ Good question! We have plans to change up the existing map ban system later this year and will be sharing more soon but suffice to say, this new system should lead to a wider range of maps seeing more active play in Ranked!  - Alexander\n' +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6owdok/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *Curious about Emerald Plains design and what other maps it incorporates from. With the map design process, do you look at other maps and try to incorporate similar structure? Or is it from the ground up?* \n' +
        '\n' +
        "__A:__ The comparisons to Bartlett make sense - Emerald Plains DID begin its life as a Bartlett rework. As we proceeded to change more and more of the map during the reworking phase, we quickly found that it was becoming its own map and didn't fit our definition of a rework, so we decided to shift gears and lean into the newness, theme and all. While there are hints and nods to its old self like the foyer and two front towers, its moment-to-moment gameplay flow is entirely different from its humble beginnings as a Bartlett rework.  - Frédéric and Yann\n" +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6ot1ea/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *Is there a possibility to see night maps return to the game, possibly in Casual mode?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        "__A:__ Whenever we choose to make a night map, we need to ensure that it's well-lit to ensure the most balanced and competitive environment possible. It doesn't matter whether a future map is night or day, but the lighting of the map needs to offer fair play. We don't have plans to turn past maps into night maps, but we aren't closing the door to future maps!  - Alexander\n" +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6ou0w1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *What kind of challenges does bringing in new maps for TDM present to the Level Design team? With the introduction of TDM, is this the start of a more reinforced casual side to Siege?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        "__A:__ The main challenge is that this is largely new to us in the scope of Siege. We're used to thinking about attack and defense aspects of our maps, but for TDM, we need to make sure no one area is too defensible - you should be able to easily navigate, and orient yourself, and easily identify opponents at a glance. Let's just say that after making this, we have a lot of ideas we didn't get a chance to use, so we have those stored away.\n" +
        '\n' +
        "As for the question about Siege's casual side, when we have a community that's as large and diverse as the Siege community, we absolutely want to reinforce our casual playlists just as much as we reinforce the competitive side, so this is something that's always important to us to consider.  - Yann and Alexander\n" +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6ovxg5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *How arduous is the process of finding and fixing exploits, unfair angles, and other cheesy things when creating a new map?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__A:__ We wish we played viciously enough to catch everything on the first pass! Our QC team is incredibly instrumental in helping us find these issues given the amount of time they put into these maps ahead of release.\\\n' +
        "At the end of the day, though, the community also plays a huge role in this process, as millions of players tend to help catch things that a singular Map team may not always catch. We appreciate your ability to stretch the game's boundaries to their max, which helps to catch these exploits. It makes for an interesting process of searching, resolving, getting feedback, and continuing to iterate.  - Frédéric and Yann\n" +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6p04nx/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *How do you tackle map reworks on maps that are popular?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__A:__ Oregon is a great example of this. Before every rework, we look at pick rate and win rate of objectives and seek to try and equalize them. This one in particular was becoming stale prior to the rework and certain objectives were played the same way every time, so we tried to analyze which aspects of the map were strongest and most fun. This is where a workshop with pros came in. We often work with them to identify how to make the game flow more versatile and offer up more ways that plays can approach a map instead of falling into a routine they use every time.  - Yann\n' +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6oumb3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *Emerald Plains only has a single point of entry on the roof of the map. What was the thought process behind this?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__A:__ Putting entry points on the roof tends to be a tricky balancing act, as there are often very few ways for Defenders to counteract this - specifically when there are hatches on the roof. Regarding the skylight, it was originally far more powerful in an earlier version, but we found with testing that even if you were more vulnerable while rappelling all the way down, it was way too much of an advantage for Attackers and had to be tweaked.  - Yann\n' +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6p9sa0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__OPERATORS__\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *Will we ever have a unique combination of armor and speed in the future? (ie. 3 armor 2 speed)*\n' +
        '\n' +
        `__A:__ Good question! This is something we've experimented with, but are still looking at how we can "break" this system with it still being fun and balanced. We've also been toying with a 4-speed Operator, but the world's not ready yet (and maybe we'll never be ready for it). - Dominic\n` +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6p1i8p/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *One of the complaints from more old-school or traditional players is that the game has lost its more realistic tone and design, especially so in the gadgets. Do you plan on continuing this trend of futuristic and sleek looking gadgets? Or do you plan on mixing in more grounded looking gadgets as well as more futuristic looking ones?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        "__A:__ Since Siege's inception, it's been important to us to ground the concepts behind our gadgets in existing real-life technology with the caveat that fun and balanced gameplay comes first. Sometimes, it's necessary to stretch the bounds of reality and the real life tech we use as inspiration to fit the gameplay. Just look at Thatcher and Pulse: a grenade-sized EMP capable of disabling most electronic gadgets and a handheld heartbeat sensor of this strength take tech people are familiar with and stretch their reality to make them fun in a game concept.\n" +
        '\n' +
        "With your example of Thorn, this is quite close to how we handled Thatcher. The look of gadgets may touch on an Op's lore, but 1:1 translations from real life often don't have the same fun factor, so this is where the ingenuity of our designers comes in.\n" +
        '\n' +
        'Looking to the future, we will strive to strike a balance between real life tech inspiration and near-future innovation, all while prioritizing fun-factor. We still apply the same care and thoughtfulness to our gadgetry that we did with our Operators 7 years ago. - Alexander\n' +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6p2xm9/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        "__Q:__ *How did you collaborate with the game balance team when introducing Azami and her gadget to make sure it isn't too OP, especially since her ability can modify the entire flow of a room?*\n" +
        '\n' +
        "__A:__ From the prototyping phase, we sit down with Balancing once a week to explain our intentions and get an idea of any concerns they may have. This way, we can look at how best to strike that balance and offer as many possible ways to tweak an Operator in the future. We also take time to consider how they can affect (and be affected) by older legacy maps, which sometimes leads into considering reworks for the future. In that way, making an Operator isn't JUST about talking with Operator designers - it touches so many other teams. - Dominic and Frédéric\n" +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6p25q0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *How do you decide who gets what scope magnification? Is there a reason some guns have a 1x and a 2x, but not a 1.5x?*\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__A:__ This really comes down to balancing the distance that an Op is viable at. Due to the nature of their gadgets and gameplay, this helps to determine where Ops play, so choosing their scope magnifications is an extension of helping to define where and what range they play from. This is also why different Ops might have different scopes available, tying directly into their unique styles of play.    \n' +
        "Also, we ARE investigating adding 1.5x scopes, so that's something we're looking at for the future.  - Dominic\n" +
        '\n' +
        '([Full Post Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/uep42q/comment/i6okjp4/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))\n' +
        '\n' +
        '<br>\n' +
        '\n' +
        '__Q:__ *Why the sh'... 599 more characters,
      description: undefined,
      categories: [ 'rainbow-six-siege' ],
      tag: 'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege',
      readTime: 9,
      url: 'https://ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/26Ar2mQAv7zwB6MN61HVPt/demon-veil-reddit-ama-wrapup',
      date: 'Mon May 09 2022 14:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)'

🔌 Custom methods

src/fetch.ts contains fetch, ubiServices and dataDev function which could be used to implement your own custom method. For example, simple implementation of https://public-ubiservices.ubi.com/v1/spaces/{SPACE}/sandboxes/{SANDBOX}/playerstats2/statistics endpoint using ubiServices:

import 'dotenv/config';

import R6API, { getSpacesAndSandboxes, Platform } from 'r6api.js';

const { email, password } = process.env;
export const r6api = new R6API({ email, password });

export interface Playerstats2Statistics {
  results: Playerstats2StatisticsResults;

export type Playerstats2StatisticsResults = Record<
  Record<string, number>

interface GetLegacyUserStatsOptions {
  platform: Platform;
  profileIds: string[];
  statistics: string[];
/** Last time it got updates was Crystal Guard */
const getLegacyUserStats = ({
}: GetLegacyUserStatsOptions) =>
    version: 1,
    path: `/${getSpacesAndSandboxes({ platform })}/playerstats2/statistics`,
    params: {
      populations: profileIds,

// Using custom method
(async () => {
  await getLegacyUserStats({
    platform: 'uplay',
    profileIds: ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a'],
    statistics: ['operatorpvp_kills']

💌 Acknowledgments

Operator icons from r6operators.marcopixel.eu

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