
0.0.27 • Public • Published


Puremvc-Express module is a bootstrap kit to help you to build backend service. Especially for developers who are familiar with Puremvc and Express.



/** index.js */
const fs = require('fs');
const winston = require('winston');
let { CORE_EVENTS, App } = require('puremvc-express');
let options = require('./options');
let app = new App('test', options);

/** options.js */
const winston = require('winston');
const { format } = require('winston');
const fs = require('fs');
const options = {
    httpServer: {
        port: 3000,
        sslPort: 3002,
        credentials: {
            key: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/key.pem', 'utf8'),
            cert: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/cert.pem', 'utf8')
        cors: {
            credentials: true,
            origin: [
    database: {
        host: 'database.your.domain',
        user: 'dbuser',
        password: 'dbpassword',
        database: 'dbname',
        connectionLimit: 2
    memCache: {
        host: 'redis.your.domain',
        port: 6379
    firebase: {
        apiKey: 'yourFirebaseApiKey',
        authDomain: 'yourAuthDomain.firebaseapp.com',
        databaseURL: 'https://yourFirebaseProjectId.firebaseio.com',
        projectId: 'yourFirebaseProjectId',
        storageBucket: 'yourFirebaseProjectId.appspot.com',
        messagingSenderId: '1234567890',
        appId: '1:1234567890:web:0123456789abcdef',
        measurementId: 'G-0123456789'
    passport: {
        jwt: {
            secret: 'yourJwtSecret',
            signOptions: {
                algorithm: 'algorithm-you-want',
                expiresIn: '900s'
        local: {
            usernameField: 'username',
            passwordField: 'password'
        facebook: {
            clientID: 'facebookID',
            secret: 'facebookSecret',
            callbackURL: 'https://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback'
        twitter: {
            consumerKey: 'twitterKey',
            consumerSecret: '',
            callbackURL: ''
        google: {
            consumerKey: 'googleKey',
            consumerSecret: '',
            callbackURL: ''
    session: {
        secret: 'some secret',
        resave: false,
        saveUninitialized: false
    di: {
        m_appData: 'CORE:APP-DATA',
        m_httpServer: 'CORE:HTTP-SERVER',
        m_database: 'CORE:DATABASE',
        m_passport: 'CORE:PASSPORT',
        m_memCache: 'CORE:MEM-CACHE',
        m_logger: 'CORE:LOGGER',
        m_users: 'CORE:USERS'
    logger: {
        level: 'info',
        transports: [
            new winston.transports.Console({
                format: format.combine(
                    format.timestamp({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' }),
                    format.printf(info => `${info.timestamp} ${info.level} [${info.class}]: ${info.message}`)
            new winston.transports.File({
                format: format.combine(
                    format.timestamp({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' }),
                filename: 'logs/app.log'
    users: [
        { id: 1, username: 'root', password: 'p4s5w0rD', role: 'admin' },
        { id: 2, username: 'trumpjojo', password: '9453', role: 'author' },
        { id: 3, username: 'ingrid', password: '0908', role: 'people\'s gf' },
        { id: 4, username: 'dora', password: '9ido', role: 'amon' }

export default options;

Dependency Injection

This feature supports inject object which extends {puremvc.Proxy} For example

import { Mediator } from 'puremvc';
import { CORE_EVENTS } from 'puremvc-express';

export default class MyMediator extends Mediator {
    m_logger = undefined;
    constructor () {

    onRegister () {
        this.sendNotification(CORE_EVENTS.DI, this);
        // Now you can access this.m_logger

Object injected depends on values under di of options, corresponding to the string assigned to super method. This feature use retrieveProxy in puremvc class to approach.

    consturctor () {
        super('NAME USE TO INJECT');


Puremvc-Express uses Winston as logging tool, we wrap it to similar as Log4js. By following example, you can learn how to use it.

class YourClass extends SimpleCommand {
    m_logger = undefined;

    constructor () {

    execute (notification) {
        this.sendNotification(CORE_EVENTS.DI, this);
        this.logger = this.m_logger.getLogger(this.constructor.name);
        this.logger.info('Hello World');
        //2021-03-02 13:44:24.643 info [YourClass]: Hello World

Register your customized Proxy, Mediator, Command

After puremvc-express was constructed, you can access its facade member then register following three commnand to prepare your Proxy, Mediator and Command.

let { CORE_EVENTS, App } = require('puremvc-express');

let app = new App('AppName');
let facade = app.facade;

facade.registerCommand(CORE_EVENTS.INIT_COMMANDS, YourCommandRegistor);
facade.registerCommand(CORE_EVENTS.INIT_MEDIATORS, YourMediatorRegistor);
facade.registerCommand(CORE_EVENTS.INIT_PROXIES, YourProxyRegistor);

app.options = {...options};

Serving static files

Puremvc-express defaults serve 'public' folder

Local stretagy of Passport

In order to maping to you user data verifing, please register a command whic listening to CORE_EVENTS.USER_VERIFY.

class UserVerify extends SimpleCommand {
    m_database = undefined;
    m_logger = undefined;

    constructor() {

    async execute(notification) {
        this.sendNotification(CORE_EVENTS.DI, this);
        this.logger = this.m_logger.getLogger('UserVerify');
        let { username, password, done } = notification.body;
        let result = await this.m_database.query(
            `SELECT * from users where username like "${username}";`

        let hit = await result.filter((obj, idx, ary) => {
            return obj.loginID == username;
        if (hit.length && await bcrypt.compare(password, hit[0].password)) {
            done(null, hit[0]);
        } else
            done(null, false);


facade.registerCommand(CORE_EVENTS.USER_VERIFY, UserVerify);

Authenticate required path

Puremvc-Express default provides bearer token checking mechanism for every request paths under http://localhost:3000/auth/..., the request header will need bearer token curl -H 'authorization: bearer <token>' ...

Simple Users

This kit provides you a simple way to setup your user list, assign a users key in option json, and assign an array to it.

    users: [
        { "id": 1, "username": "root", "password": "p4s5w0rD", "role": "admin" },
        { "id": 2, "username": "user001", "password": "letmein", "role": "user" },
        { "id": 3, "username": "audit001", "password": "iamwaching", "role": "audit" },
        { "id": 4, "username": "guest001", "password": "takealook", "role": "guest" }

Included API's

Sign in

This API sends notifcation CORE_EVENTS.AUTH_SIGNIN with parameter req, res, next. If there has the event name registered.

  • Path: /auth/signin
  • Method: POST

Sign up

This API sends notification CORE_EVENTS.AUTH_SIGNUP with parameter req, res, next. If there has the event name registered.

  • Path: /auth/signup
  • Method: POST

Sign JWT

  • Path: /auth/signjwt
  • Method: POST
  • Header: content-type: application/json
  • Body:
        username: 'user', 
        password: 'pwd', 
        payload: {
  • Return: Bearer token using payload object.
  • CURL:
    curl -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"username":"root","password":"p4s5w0rD","payload":{"your":"data"}}' localhost:3000/auth/signjwt

Echo message

  • Path: /echo/:message
  • Method: ALL
  • Return: message
  • CURL:
    curl localhost:3000/echo/hello%20world

Authorized echo message

  • Path: /api/echo/:message
  • Method: ALL
  • Header: authorization: bearer <token>
  • Return: message
  • CURL:
    curl -H "authorization: bearer <token>" localhost:3000/api/echo/hello%20world

2 Factor Authorization

Puremve-express's 2FA scheme needs two commands registered via puremvc's registerCommand. Which events was CORE_EVENTS.AUTH_REGISTER_TOTP_SECRET and CORE_EVENTS.AUTH_RETRIEVE_TOTP_SECRET, you have to use these two events to manipulate your totp secret of user.

        auth: {
            twofa: {
                qrCodeFormat: '[png | svg] default: png'
Router middleware
    routerAuth.get('/path/to', passport.authenticate('2fa-totp'), (req,res,next) => yourMethod);)
class RegisterTotpSec extends SimpleCommand {
    execute(notifcation) {
        let {res, username, totpSecret} = notifcation.body;
        let user = Users.findOne(x => x.username == username);
        user.totpSecret = totpSecret;
        // Your logic here to decide what http code should be return.

class RetrieveTotpSec extends SimpleCommand {
    execute(notification) {
        let {user, done} = notification.body;
        let dbUser = Users.findOne(x => x.username == user.username);
        user.totpSecret = dbUser.totpSecret;

And a resource under /api/auth/2fa, it's means request to this needs with bearer token.

Retrieve QR code.

  • Path: /api/auth/2fa
  • Method: GET
  • Header: authorization: bearer <token>
  • Return: png image
    • Header: set-cookie: <cookie>
  • CURL:
    curl -H "authorizatoin: bearer <token>" localhost:3000/api/auth/2fa

Confirm and register totp secret.

  • Path: /api/auth/2fa
  • Method: POST
  • Header: authorization: bearer <token>, cookie: <cookie>
  • Return: 200
  • CURL:
    curl -H "authorization: bearer <token>" -H "cookie: <cookie>" -XPOST localhost:3000/api/auth/2fa

Verify totp

  • Path: /api/echo/2fa/:message
  • Method: GET
  • Header: authorization: bearer <token>
  • Return: message
  • CURL:
    curl -H "authorization: bearer <token>" -d "code=<code>" localhost:3000/api/echo/2fa/message

Significant events

Puremvc-express fires following events after some specific process done. Before using these events, simply import CORE_EVENTS e.g. let { CORE_EVENTS } from 'puremvc-express'; and listen to it.

    Database connected.
    Time to register your own commands.
    When no tables exists in database.
    Time to register your own mediators.
    Time to register your own proxies.
    Useless event unless you want override logger what we provided.
    HTTP server started, it's time to register your http resource.
    Verfiy user via passport's local strategy, listen this event and query your own user database.

Log levels

Winston's default log levels.

  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • http
  • verbose
  • debug
  • silly

Environment preparation


docker run -d --name db \
-p 3306:3306 \
-p 33060:33060 \
-e MYSQL_USER=user \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=userpwd \
mariadb \
--character-set-server=utf8mb4 \
--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci \

Sign your own SSL certificate

refer: https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert

docker run \
 -d \
 --rm \
 -e "domain=*.yourdo.main,yourdo.main,,localhost" \
 --name mkcert \
 -v $(pwd)/ssl/:/root/.local/share/mkcert \

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    npm i puremvc-express

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    • trumpjojo