
0.1.1 • Public • Published


I/O-enabled communicating sequential processes via channels.

Influenced by Go and by Clojure’s core.async.

Compares favorably to the excellent js-csp, a faithful port of core.async, with the addition of process I/O semantics, among other features.

Explores in particular the treatment of processes as first-class I/O primitives, such as this would imply:

  • common interface and composability characteristics shared by processes and proper channels
  • that a process communicating via I/O is itself an expression of a “logical channel”
  • that such processes are generally interchangeable with channels for any channel-based API


  • Core CSP entities corresponding to those described by Go and core.async:
    • Primitives:
      • processes (“goroutines”)
      • buffered/unbuffered channels
    • Operations:
      • receive (take)
      • send (put)
      • select (alts)
  • Support for affixing functional transforms to channels via Clojure-style transducers
  • Structural simplifications and optimizations for performance, particularly at scale
    • Constant-time arbitrary valued buffering queues, with no amortized linear copying
    • Space-efficient doubly-linked-list internal queues, with immediate splicing, no deferred GC
    • Pooled instances of internal classes
  • Clear, approachable annotated source code


  • Directly targets any platform supporting ES6 generator functions
  • Compatible to as far down as ES3 using manual generator-iterators
  • Elegantly sourced in Literate Coffee.


  • Rich process constructs, system snapshots, diagnostics, visualizations, etc.
  • Feature parity to the whole of core.async, where appropriate for JS
  • Straightforward translation to alternative async models, e.g. Node, Promises, Rx, etc.


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All sample code that follows will presume bindings to these functions imported from prochan:

import {proc, chan, receive, send, select} = 'prochan';

These functions are also aliased to names that reflect each operation’s general relation to a corresponding operation defined by core.async:

import {go, chan, take, put, alts} = 'prochan';

### Basic operations

#### Processes: [`proc`](

Spawning a process is performed by calling the `proc` function, and passing it a generator function. Outwardly this corresponds to calling `go` or similar in other environments:

let p = proc( function* () {
// ... yield ...
// >>> Process

The key distinction of proc is that, whereas a call to go or similar would return a single-use channel as an indirection to the eventual return value of a “goroutine”, proc returns an actual Process object.

However, given equivalent generator functions, the Process returned by proc may still be consumed in the same manner as the channel returned by go:

'foo' === yield receive( go( function* () { return 'foo'; } ) );
'foo' === yield receive( proc( function* () { return 'foo'; } ) );

Discussed further below: Process I/O.

Channels: chan

The chan function is used in generally familiar fashion to construct an unbuffered, buffered, and/or transduced Channel:

let ch1 = chan();
let ch2 = chan(42);
let ch3 = chan.sliding(42);
let ch4 = chan.dropping(42);
import {compose} from 'transducers.js';
let transducer = compose(...transducers);
let ch5 = chan(1, transducer);
let ch6 = chan(transducer);  // No explicit buffering, behaves as unbuffered

Discussed further below: Transduction.

Communication: receive, send

Basic communications via channels are performed inside a process by yielding the effect of a 1-ary receive or 2-ary send operation (aliased to take and put, respectively):

proc( function* () {
  let value = yield receive( ch1 );
proc( function* () {
  let value = 'foo';
  yield send( ch1, value );

Selection: select

In prochan the select operation (aliased to alts) returns a Selector generator, intended for immediate use inside a delegated yield (yield*) expression:

proc( function* () {
  let {value, channel} = yield* select([ch1, 42], ch2, ch3);

Discussed further below, with examples of advanced use cases: Delegated selection.

Distinguishing features

Process I/O

A process in prochan may communicate over its own built-in I/O channels.

proc( function* () {
  let p1 = proc( function* () {
    let value = yield receive();
    yield send( value + 1 );
  send.async( p1, 42 );
  43 === yield receive( p1 );

Internally, a 0-ary receive call implies communication over the in channel of the current process (p1), and likewise a 1-ary send call implies communication over the out channel of the current process.

Externally, because Process implements the standard channel interface, the process p1 may be passed as an argument to a channel operation, just like a proper channel.

By default processes are constructed without I/O channels; an unbuffered channel is instated automatically on the first call to each end of the process.

Channel values and results

In prochan channels impose no domain restrictions on input values; any value may be conveyed over the channel unless otherwise specified by the user. In particular, channels do not appropriate null or undefined, nor introduce any other sentinel identity; no such entity is prohibited from being conveyed as its own instrinsic value through the channel.

A Channel may also be closed with an optional final result value. This is generally analogous to the return value of a function: by default a channel’s result value is undefined, but may be set specifically to any value provided in the call to the channel’s idempotent close method. Once a channel is both closed and empty it becomes done, after which any process that receives from the channel will have the result value conveyed immediately to it.

This design leaves channel domain semantics entirely to the discretion of process authors, who may establish between themselves, if necessary, the meanings of any special entities (e.g., whether or not some particular value received from a channel — such as null or undefined, perhaps — is indeed meant to be interpreted as a special in-band “done” signal).

However, with respect to such signaling, it is also safe, sufficient, and generally preferable for the current process to determine a channel’s “done” state out-of-band, by calling the chan.isFinal predicate immediately after yield receiveing from the channel.

// Process whose sole responsibility is to read from a channel
proc( function* () {
  while (true) {
    let value = yield receive(ch), done = chan.isFinal();
    if (done) {
      return value;
    } else {
      // do some loopy stuff ...

TODO: reduce this pattern to a single operation (say, next) that returns a destructurable object in a manner idiomatically similar to that of JS’s own [[IteratorResult]], e.g.:

import {next} from 'prochan';
while {
  let {value, done} = yield next(ch);

Delegated selection

In prochan a select (or alias alts) expression evaluates to a delegated generator, and so is always to be paired with yield*. This design allows for the cases of a select expression to be:

  • composed by chaining methods, e.g. send/receive, else, etc.
  • each distinguished by an optional label, or
  • each associated with a generator function, to which the selector will delegate if an operation defined by that case is selected

Thus, at the user’s discretion, select may take any of several forms:

Basic form
let {value, channel} = yield* select([ch1, 42], ch2, ch3);
Labeled form
while (true) {
  // Destructure the yielded selector
  let {label, value, channel} = yield* select
    .send( [ch1, 42], 'foo' )
    .receive( ch2, ch3, 'bar' )
  // Then branch against `label`
  if (label === 'foo') {
    // ...
  else if (label === 'bar') {
    // ...
  else if (label === 'baz') {
    // alternative, selected if none of the other cases’ operations is ready
Delegated form
let ch1 = chan(), ch2 = chan(), ch3 = chan();
// Prepare a value to be received from `ch3` ...
send.async( ch3, 'qux' );
// ... and observe the effect on `select`:
'qux' === yield receive( proc( function* () {
  return yield* select
    // this case won’t be selected
    .send( [ch1, 42], function* (value, channel) {
      throw new Error;
    // this case will be selected
    .receive( ch2, ch3, function* (value, channel) {
      return value;
    .else( function* () {
      // alternative


import {compose, map, filter, mapcat} from 'transducers.js';
let ch1 = chan();
let ch2 = chan( compose( map(f), filter(p), mapcat(g) ) );

Here both ch1 and ch2 are unbuffered channels. To exhibit unbuffered synchronization behavior and also support transduction, ch2 includes a provisional zero-length buffer, to which items may be added during a single expansion step of the transducer, and which must be emptied completely before the next input is accepted.


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  • nickfargo