A tiny node module for parsing FormData by name into objects and arrays
The problem
- You use Forms to upload data to your server (e.g. with remix-run)
- You want a way to upload objects and arrays with booleans and numbers
- You do not want to transfer the data per hand
This solution
A parse functions that uses the name prop to tells the parser how to create an object out of the values. You can tell the parser to do not parse empty values.
This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and
should be installed as one of your project's dependencies
npm install parse-nested-form-data
The name prop is used to tell the parser how to create an object out of the values. The name prop is a string that can contain the following characters:
: to create a nested object -
: to create an array (pushes value) -
: to create an array (sets value at index and squashes array) -
: to transform the value to a boolean -
: to transform the value to null -
: to transform the value to a number
If the name prop starts with a &
the value will be transformed to a boolean.
True if the value has the following values:
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('&isTrue', 'true')
formData.append('&isFalse', 'false')
formData.append('&isTrue1', '1')
formData.append('&isFalse1', '0')
formData.append('&isTrue2', 'on')
formData.append('&isFalse2', 'off')
// {
// isTrue: true,
// isFalse: false,
// isTrue1: true,
// isFalse1: false,
// isTrue2: true,
// isFalse2: false,
// }
If the name prop starts with a +
the value will be transformed to a number.
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('+number', '1')
formData.append('+number2', '1.1')
formData.append('+number3', 'a')
// {
// number: 1,
// number2: 1.1,
// number3: NaN,
// }
If the name prop starts with a -
the value will be transformed to null.
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('-null', 'null')
formData.append('-ignored', 'ignored')
// {
// null: null,
// ignored: null,
// }
If a path of the name prop ends with []
the value will be pushed to an array.
If the path of the name prop ends with [$order]
the value will be set at the
index of the order. Cannot be mixed with []
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('array[0]', '1')
formData.append('array[1]', '2')
formData.append('array[2]', '3')
formData.append('array[3]', '4')
// {
// array: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
// }
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('array[]', '1')
formData.append('array[]', '2')
formData.append('array[]', '3')
// {
// array: ['1', '2', '3'],
// }
Also works with nested objects:
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('array[0].a', '1')
formData.append('array[1].a', '2')
formData.append('array[2].a', '3')
// {
// array: [{a: '1'}, {a: '2'}, {a: '3'}],
// }
Also works with nested arrays:
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('array[0][]', '1')
formData.append('array[0][]', '2')
formData.append('array[1][]', '3')
formData.append('array[1][]', '4')
// {
// array: [['1', '2'], ['3', '4']],
// }
If the name prop contains a .
the value will be nested in an object.
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('object.a', '1')
formData.append('object.b', '2')
// {
// object: {
// a: '1',
// b: '2',
// },
// }
Basic Usage
Transform values
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('+a', '1')
formData.append('&b', 'true')
formData.append('-c', 'null')
formData.append('d', 'foo')
parseFormData(formData, defaultTransform)
// => {a: 1, b: true, c: null, d: 'foo'}
Advanced usage
Complex examples:
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('a[].b.c', '1')
formData.append('a[].b.d', '2')
formData.append('a[]', '3')
formData.append('b[0]', '4')
formData.append('+b[100]', '5')
// {
// a: [
// {
// b: {
// c: '1',
// d: '2',
// },
// },
// '3',
// ],
// b: ['4', 5],
// }
The second argument is an option object with following properties:
removeEmptyString: Default: false
If true
empty strings will be removed from the result.
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('foo[1].foo', '')
formData.append('foo[1].bar', 'test2')
formData.append('foo[0].foo', 'test3')
formData.append('foo[0].baz', '4')
parseFormData(formData, {removeEmptyString: true})
// {foo: [{foo: 'test3', baz: '4'}, {bar: 'test2'}]}
(entry: [path: string, value: string | File], defaultTransform: DefaultTransform) => [string, string | JsonLeafValue]
transformEntry: const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('a', 'a')
formData.append('b', 'b')
parseFormData(formData, {
transformEntry: ([path, value], defaultTransform) => {
return {
typeof value === 'string'
? value.toUpperCase()
: defaultTransform(value),
// => {a: 'A', b: 'B'}
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Contributors Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Kent C. Dodds and his match-sorter package where most of the setup is from.