
0.3.0 • Public • Published


Hey look, finally a sane way to automate parameters in Web Audio.

This is a small library for automating changes to an AudioParam (like a signal's gain or frequency). It lets you schedule any series of ramps, sweeps, and delays, and then later cancel at any arbitrary time and schedule new changes, without causing discontinuities (i.e. audible clicks).

(That may not sound like much, but suffice to say that the WebAudio API makes it very difficult, and this library makes it very easy.)

Live demo


var A=0.1, H=0.01, S=0.5, D=0.2, R=0.5  // or whatever
var param = masterVolumeNode.gain

// initialize, starting from 0 since this is a gain node
enveloper.initParam(param, 0)

// play a note by making an ADHSR envelope...
enveloper.startEnvelope(param, startTime)
enveloper.addRamp(param, A, 1)
enveloper.addHold(param, H)
enveloper.addSweep(param, -1, S, D)

// later, when the note release is triggered..
enveloper.startEnvelope(param, releaseTime)
enveloper.addRamp(param, R, 0, true)

The second call to startEnvelope calculates what value the param is scheduled to have at releaseTime and edits the current envelope to end at that value. This way any subsequent automation happens without discontinuities, even if a release happens during the attack ramp or whatever.


Install via npm:

npm i --save param-enveloper
import Enveloper from 'param-enveloper'
var enveloper = new Enveloper(audioCtx)
enveloper.initParam(param, baseValue)
// ...


  • var env = new Enveloper(ctx)
    Constructor takes an AudioContext reference.

  • env.initParam(param, baseValue)
    Any param to be automated should be initted once. baseValue is the value the param will initially transition from.

  • env.startEnvelope(param, time)
    Start a new envelope from time, canceling any subsequent changes. If an envelope was already scheduled, it will be edited to end at whatever value it would have had at the specified time.

  • env.addHold(param, duration)
    Hold the current value for the given duration.

  • env.addRamp(param, duration, target, isExponential)
    Ramp from the current value to a new target. By default ramps are linear; set the final argument to true for an exponential ramp.

  • env.addSweep(param, duration, target, timeConst)
    Adds a sweep towards the given target value. Remember that sweeps approach the specified target value, but never completely reach it.
    If duration is a positive number, the sweep will last for the specified time and then end. Otherwise, the sweep will continue forever or until a new envelope is started (with startEnvelope).

  • env.getValueAtTime(param, time)
    Queries what value the param is scheduled to have at a given time. Useful for e.g. making an attack ramp whose duration depends on the value started from.

Note: When a sweep is added with non-positive duration, it is treated as an open-ended sweep that lasts forever. Scheduling a ramp or another sweep after this will throw an error; to add subsequent events either start a new envelope, or schedule a hold (whose duration will become the sweep's duration).


To hack on this, use the local npm build / start scripts. If you don't have webpack installed globally, you'll need to do npm i -D webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server or similar.

Currently this library doesn't do much heavy error checking - doing unexpected things (e.g. scheduling events in the past) might throw errors or have undefined behavior.


Made with 🍺 by Andy Hall. License is ISC.


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  • 0.0.1

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  • andyhall