Simple library to abstract key/mouse events for games.
published 0.8.0 2 years agoAn FPS controller that consumes inputs and moves a player entity and camera
published 0.2.1 9 years agoParticle system for Babylon.js that composites like a standard mesh
published 0.11.0 4 years agoHTML5 drag/drop proxy events for a Ractive element
published 0.1.1 9 years agoSweep an AABB through voxels or a tileset and find collisions
published 0.5.0 8 years agoA* pathfinding through an ndarray of cost values
published 0.2.0 8 years agoMurmur3 hash that takes integers as inputs and outputs [0..1]
published 0.0.2 4 years ago