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Oceanify is a JS/CSS module loader featuring module transformation on the fly.

How to

You need a main entry point for your app's JS and/or CSS.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>An Oceanify Example</title>
  <!-- CSS ENTRY -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/app.css">
  <h1>An Oceanify Example</h1>
  <script src="/app.js?main"></script> 

In js files, you can use CMD require dependencies:

const $ = require('jquery')
const cropper = require('cropper')

Or esModule:

import * as React from 'react'

And in stylesheets, you can @import dependencies too:

@import 'cropper/dist/cropper.css';   /* stylesheets in node_modules */
@import './nav.css';                  /* stylesheets in components */

To achieve this, just setup the middleware provided by Oceanify. For Koa:

const koa = require('koa')
const oceanify = require('oceanify')
const app = koa()
// The paths of JS/CSS components
app.use(oceanify({ paths: 'components' }))

For Express:

const express = require('express')
const oceanify = require('oceanify')
const app = express()
// that's it
app.use(oceanify({ express: true }))

When it's time to be production ready, simply run:

const co = require('co')
const oceanify = require('oceanify')
co(function* () {
  yield [
    oceanify.compileAll({ match: 'app.js' }),           // js components and modules
    oceanify.compileStyleSheets({ match: 'app.css' })   // css files
  .catch(function(err) {



To accelerate loading in development mode, Oceanify will cache node_modules by compiling and bundling them on the fly. You can rule out some of them by passing an array of module names to cacheExcept option:

app.use(oceanify({ cacheExcept: 'mobx' }))
app.use(oceanify({ cacheExcept: ['mobx', 'react'] }))

To turn off the node_modules caching completely, just set cacheExcept to *:

app.use(oceanify({ cacheExcept: '*' }))


Oceanify will not clear the cache (except the ones specified in cacheExcept option) by default. Set cachePersist to false to make Oceanify clear cache every time it restarts:

app.use(oceanify({ cachePersist: false }))


Oceanify caches node_modules compilations, js components transformations (if .babelrc exists), and stylesheets. Set dset=other/directory to store the cache somewhere else:

app.use(oceanify({ dest: '.oceanify-cache' }))

Some of the cache requires a static serving middleware to work:

  • node_modules compilation results,
  • components source maps generated after transformation.

For Koa:

app.use(require('koa-static')(path.join(__dirname, 'public')))
app.use(requrie('oceanify')({ dest: 'public' }))

For Express:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')))


oceanify() returns a koa middleware by default. Set express=true to get an express middleware instead:

app.use(require('oceanify')({ express: true }))


There's a loader hidden in Oceanify which is the magic behind Oceanify that makes module loading possible. When js entries such as app.js?main is requested, Oceanify will prepend the loader and loader config to the content of the component. See the loader section for detailed information.


While Oceanify caches node_modules, the code will be bundled and minified with UglifyJS. In rare caces, UglifyJS' name mangling might generate false results, which can be bypassed with mangleExcept:

app.use(oceanify({ mangleExcept: ['react-router'] }))


The directory of your components. Multiple paths is allowd. For example, you need to import modules from both the components directory of your app and node_modules/@corp/sharedComponents:

  paths: [ 'components', 'node_modules/@corp/sharedComponents']


Normally this option should never be used. Options like paths and dest are all resolved against root. In test cases like tests/test.index.js in the source code, we need to change the root to path.join(__dirname, 'test/example').


Oceanify generates source maps while transforming components, caching node_modules, or compiling the final assets. For content security concerns, the sourceContents are removed in the generated source maps and a sourceRoot is set instead. In this way, Oceanify won't leak any source code by default. And if you do need source code being fetched by browser, you can simply turn on serveSource:

app.use(oceanify({ serveSource: true }))
// or set it in a more recommended way
app.use(oceanify({ serveSource: process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development' }))


Besides components, Oceanify can also transform node_modules. Simply put the module names in transformOnly:

app.use(oceanify({ transformOnly: ['some-es6-module'] }))

If the module being loaded is listed in transformOnly, and a .babelrc within the module directory is found, Oceanify will process the module source with babel too, like the way it handles components. Don't forget to install the presets and plugins listed in the module's .babelrc .


Oceanfiy provides two static methods for assets precompilation:

  • oceanify.compileAll()
  • oceanify.compileStyleSheets()


.compileAll([options]) is a generator function. You need to wrap the returned generator object with co to make it function properly.

const co = require('co')
const oceanify = require('oceanify')
// Specify the entry modules
co(oceanify.compileAll({ match: 'app.js' }))
  .then(function() {
  .catch(function(err) {
// You can omit the options since they're the defaults.

Oceanify will compile all the components that matches opts.match, find their dependencies in node_modules directory and compile them too.

You can try the one in Oceanify Example. Just execute npm run precompile.


.compileStyleSheets([options]) is a generator function. You need to wrap the returned generator object to make it function properly.

const co = require('co')
const oceanify = require('oceanify')
co(oceanify.compileStyleSheets({ match: 'app.css' }))
  .then(function() {
  .catch(function() {

Currently .compileStyleSheets just process the source code with autoprefixer and postcss-import. You gonna need some minification tools likecssnano to minify the compiled result.

Behind the Scene

Let's start with app.js, which might seems a bit of black magic at the first glance. It is added to the page directly:

<script src="/app.js?main"></script>

And suddenly you can write app.js as CommonJS or ES Module right away:

const React = require('react')
import mobx from 'mobx'

How can browser know where to require when executing main.js?


The secret is, entry components that ends with ?main (e.g. app.js?main) will be prepended with two things before the the actual app.js when it's served with Oceanify:

  1. Loader
  2. Loader config

You can import app.js explicitly if you prefer:

<script src="/loader.js"></script>

Both way works. To make app.js consumable by the Loader, it will be wrapped into Common Module Declaration format on the fly:

define(id, deps, function(require, exports, module) {
  // actual main.js content
  • id is deducted from the file path.
  • dependencies is parsed from the factory code thanks to the match-require module.
  • factory (the anonymouse function) body is left untouched or transformed with babel depending on whether .babelrc exists or not.

If ES Module is preferred, you'll need two things:

  1. Put a .babelrc file under your components directory.
  2. Install the presets or plugins configured in said .babelrc.

Back to the Loader, after the wrapped app.js is fetched, it won't execute right away. The dependencies need to be resolved first. For relative dependencies (e.g. other components), it's easy to just resolve them against id. For external dependencies (in this case, react and mobx), there's more work done by Oceanify under the hood:

  1. Generate a dependencies map by parsing components and node_modules when it initializes,
  2. Flatten the dependencies map into a list of modules required (directly or indirectly) by current entry,
  3. Config the loader with the list (among other loader config).

Take heredoc's (simplified) node_modules for example:

➜  heredoc git:(master) ✗ tree node_modules -I "mocha|standard"
└── should
    ├── index.js
    ├── node_modules
    │   └── should-type
    │       ├── index.js
    │       └── package.json
    └── package.json

It will be flattened into:

  "should": {
    "6.0.3": {
      "main": "./lib/should.js",
      "dependencies": {
        "should-type": "0.0.4"
  "should-type": {
    "0.0.4": {}

The original dependency path should/should-type is now at the same level of should. There still are dependencies, to store the actual version of should/should-type required by should. Notice this structure supports multiple versions.

Loader Config

The structure is then put among other options passed to Loader with oceanify.config():

  "base": "http://localhost:5000",
  "name": "heredoc",
  "version": "1.3.1",
  "main": "index",
  "modules": { ... }
  • base is the root path of components and node modules.
  • name, version, and main are self-explanatory. They are all extracted from package.json of the app.
  • modules is the flattened dependencies map.

Wrap It Up

So here is app.js?main expanded:

// GET /loader.js returns both Loader and Loader Config.
;(function() { /* Loader */ })
oceanify.config({ /* Loader Config */})
// The module definition and the import kick off.
define(id, dependencies, function(require, exports, module) { /* app.js */ })

Here's the actual interaction between browser and backend:

  1. Browser requests /app.js?main;
  2. Oceanify prepares the content of /app.js?main with Loader, Loader Config, and the wrapped app.js;
  3. Browser executes the returned /app.js, Loader kicks in, cache app.js module in registry;
  4. Loader resolves the dependencies of app.js module;
  5. Browser requests the dependencies per Loader's request;
  6. Loader executes the factory of app.js once all the dependencies are resolved.


The stylesheets part is much easier since Oceanify does not provide a CSS Loader for now. All of the @imports are handled at the backend. Take following app.css for example:

@import "cropper/dist/cropper.css";
@import "common.css" 
body { 
  padding: 50px;

When browser requests app.css:

  1. postcss-import processes all of the @imports;
  2. autoprefixer transforms the bundle;


Comparation to other frameworks

Why Not Webpack?

That's a little bit difficult to answer. When the first version of Oceanify is developed, we weren't aware of Webpack yet. When Webpack got popular, Oceanify meets most of our requirements already. From the technical perspective, Oceanify is more like browserify with require.async.

Why Not Browserify?

In the projects from our work that use Oceanify, the wrap on the fly and require.async features are the two we liked a lot. With wrap on the fly, we don't need to setup a file watcher or something similar. With require.async, we can migrate history code with ease.




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  • dotnil