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2.5.0 • Public • Published

Markdown Toy Blog

  • Serves markdown files as an html blog.

  • Uses markdown filenames as url-post-slugs.

  • Takes information from the non standard markdown header:

    title: My post title
    myVariable: this will be passed to the corresponding html template
    My blog post content goes here.
  • You can add your own HTML templates, js and css styling.

IMPORTANT: your files have to live in 3 folders (you can change their names using environment variables, see the section environment variables):

  1. ./content: markdown blog posts live here
  2. ./views: html view templates containing mostachito references like {{ myVariable }}
  3. ./static: can have subdirectories ./static/css, ./static/js, ./static/img etc.


There are two ways of using this package either:

  1. as a node_module: npm i md-toy-blog
  2. by cloning the repo git clone

1. Installation as a node_module

Let's say the root directory of your blog is <my_blog>, then your blog posts will have to be in a subdirectory called content:

  |_ content/

IMPORTANT: it is a requirement that your markdown posts be contained in a sub directory called content (unless you change the envvar MTB_MD_BLOG_POSTS_DIRNAME)

Now that we have a structure like this ./<my_blog>/content, go to the <my_blog> directory and install this package:

cd <my_blog>
npm i md-toy-blog

Once everything is installed, it should work out of the box with.

# generates the json files list list 
node ./node_modules/md-toy-blog/build/src/compile.js
# run the app 
node ./node_modules/md-toy-blog/build/src/index.js

IMPORTANT: look up the section Skeleton blog project to get a skeleton directory structure and a package.json with the two commands above as scripts, so you can quickly run npm run build && npm run serve instead.

2. Installation as a repo

git clone
cd md-toy-blog
npm i

You can now place your blog posts in content dir, your views in views and your static files in static.

Now run the blog:

npm run build
npm run serve

Environment variables

There are a few environment variables that allow you to customize Md toy blog's behaviour, they are the following:

  • PORT
    • default: 3100
    • the port under which your blog will be available (e.g. http://localhost:3100)
    • default: <MTB_USER_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/compiled_user_content
    • the absolute path of where the list of files that are to be served will be stored
    • clone | module
    • if you cloned the repo from github it will be clone, if you installed the module via npm i <MTB_PACKAGE_NAME> it will be module
    • default: <MTB_USER_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/content
    • absolute path of where you store your blog posts, must be readable by node
    • default: <strong style="color: red;">THIS_IS_A_DUMMY_VAL_FOR_A_MISSING_REF</strong>
    • Whenever a view template references a key that is missing in the data passed to mostachito, it will be replaced by <MTB_MISSING_REF_VALUE_REPLACEMENT>
    • default: md-toy-blog
    • if you decide to change this package's name
    • default: 70
    • controls the max length of the post previews in Home page's post list
    • the absolute path to this project's directory. Differs depending on <MTB_ENV>
    • default: <MTB_USER_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/static if you have created that dir, or <MTB_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/static otherwise.
    • where you store your static files, uses the default ones if define none.
    • default: <MTB_USER_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/<MTB_PROJECT_NAME>.config.js
    • where you can define custom keys or override keys in appConfig
    • the directory in which you normally would have your .git directory. where you normally would have your content, static, views and user_compiled_dir
    • default: <MTB_USER_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/views if you have created that dir, or <MTB_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR>/views otherwise.
    • where your .html templates should be placed. They should be named after the controller/action that handles their data (e.g. blogPostController.ts should have an html template named blog-post.html).

Skeleton Blog Project

When you want to use md-toy-blog as an npm module it is more practical to have a package.json with a few scripts to help you with updating your blog whenever you write new posts.

If you want to fast forward clone the skeleton blog project and follow the README there, basically it tells you to:

git clone
cd md-toy-blog-skeleton

The command above will get you a directory structure with a package.json that looks like this :

  "name": "md-toy-blog-skeleton",
  "version": "0.0.0-development",
  "description": "This is the skeleton for your md-toy-blog. Git clone this and run `npm buid && npm serve`",
  "scripts": {
    "serve": "node ./node_modules/md-toy-blog/build/src/index.js",
    "build": "node ./node_modules/md-toy-blog/build/src/compile.js",
    "restart": "npm run build && npm run serve"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Guillermo Pages <> (",
  "license": "MIT",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "homepage": "",
  "dependencies": {
    "md-toy-blog": "latest",

Once you have such a package.json file you can proceed with the installation.

npm i
npm run restart

After these commands your blog should be available in your browser at http://localhost:3100 of course you will need to place some of your own markdown posts in the content's directory, and remove the sample ones.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT FORGET TO npm run restart after you create a new blog post.

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  • guillermo_at