Try as hard as possible to detect the client's language tag ("locale") in node or the browser. Browserify and Webpack friendly!
About Language Tags, Locale, RFC-5646 and BCP-47
In 2009, IETF published RFC-5646, "Tags for Identifying Languages," in which "...describes the structure, content, construction, and semantics of language tags for use in cases where it is desirable to indicate the language used in an information object."
A language tag is composed from a sequence of one or more "subtags", each of which refines or narrows the range of language identified by the overall tag. Subtags, in turn, are a sequence of alphanumeric characters (letters and digits), distinguished and separated from other subtags in a tag by a hyphen ("-", [Unicode] U+002D)
Unit tested and browser tested with BrowserStack
Tested successfully on:
✓ IE 8 ✓ IE 9 ✓ IE 10 ✓ IE 11 ✓ IE 12 (Edge)
✓ Safari 5.1+
✓ Opera (Presto, Webkit, Blink)
✓ Firefox
✓ Chrome
Node support
$ babel-node> import locale2 from 'locale2'> locale2en-US>
...and pairs well withvar iso3166 = requirevar locale2 = require> USA>
npm install --no-optionalnpm test
Browser testing (currently private)
npm run test:bsnpm run test:bs:local