
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Level2 Base

Provides the base class and other bits of code that were being re-used within level2 projects.


The Class class provides a simple way of defining new classes and extending classes. All uses of Class must extend Class itself or one of its subclasses.

var Something = Class.extend({
	// Provide prototype here

var ChildSomething = Something.extend({
	// Override Something prototoype if needed

ℹ️ Within override methods a special function, this._super, is available to call the super class's function (note that this is only defined in the child function and is removed after the method returns)

To provide a constructor use the init property of the prototype. This function will be called when an instance is constructed.

var Something = Class.extend({
	init: function() {
		// Do initialization here

Mixins are also supported when using Class.extend().

var Something = Class.extend(Mixin1, Mixin2, {
	// Provide prototype here

Class.extend([mixins...], prototype) - Function

Extends a Class with a new prototype. If any mixins are provided their attributes will be copied to the new class's prototype.

  • [mixins...] Function: mixins to apply to this class
  • prototype Object: prototype to apply to this class

Class.extendGeneric(baseType, [mixins...], prototype) - Function

Extends any type, even if that type was not created from Class.extend().

  • baseType Function: the base type to extend
  • [mixins...] Function: mixins to apply to the extended class
  • prototype Object: prototype to apply to the extended class


Built in extension of the javascript Error class which includes an extend() method. Really this is just a convenience to calling Class.extendGeneric(Error).

new Error(message)

Constructs a new error message

  • message String: The error's message

⚠️ The stack will be traced up to the line where the error was constructed, not where it is thrown. (throwing errors in the same line they are constructed minimizes this issue).


Because it was used so often a simple event emitter class is provided. This is intended to be used as a mixin.

EventEmitter.on(eventName, handler)

Adds an event listener for the given event name.

  • eventName String: The event name that the listener is waiting for
  • handler Function: The event handler function

EventEmitter.emit(eventName, [data...])

Calls all the registered event listeners for the given event.

  • eventName String: The event to fire
  • [data...] Mixed: The arguments to pass to the event handlers


Provides an interface to cache persistent data to a data file. To create a new settings file simply instantiate a Settings instance and pass the path to the file you want to create.

var newSettings = new Settings('/path/to/settings-file.json');
newSettings.set('someKey', 'someValue');

⚠️ The settings file won't be created until Settings.set() is called for the first time;

To retrieve settings values use the Settings.get() method.

var sett = new Settings('/path/to/settings-file.json');
sett.get('some.value').then(function(someValue) {

Note that keys containing dots ('.') will enter into objects. If the base object does not exists undefined will be returned as the settings value.

new Settings(filePath, [dataInterface])

Creates a new Settings instance backed by the settings file

  • filePath String: The path to this settings storage file
  • [dataInterface] PersistenceInterface: The optional interface used for serializing and de-serializing the settings data (defaults to the provided JSONInterface)

Settings.get(key) - Promise - Object

Get the data at the key

  • key String: The key for the data to get

➡️ Returns a promise for the setting value

Settings.set(key, data) - Promise

Sets the data at the given key

  • key String: Key of the setting to set
  • data Any: The data to store (must be JSON serializable)

➡️ Returns a promise that resolves when data is stored

Settings.getFilePath() - String

Get the file path used during initialization

➡️ Returns the settings path


A PersistenceInterface implementation provides a way to serialize and de-serialize data in a generic fashion. Originally this was added for use with the Settings class.

PersistenceInterface.serialize(data) - String

Returns the string representation of the data

  • data Object: The data to serialize

➡️ Returns the serialized data

PersistenceInterface.parse(raw) - Object

Returns the parsed data

  • raw String: The data to be parsed

➡️ Returns the parsed data


An implementation of PersistenceInterface using the JSON specification.

new JSONInterface([options])

Create an interface using optional options

  • [options] Object: Objects for the interface
    • [indent] String: The indent to use when serializing (default ' ', 4 spaces)

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  • wnaslund