
0.6.0 • Public • Published

A minimal Jira CLI.

Install it,

npm -g jql-cli

Configure it,

jql auth -u <username> -p <password> -h <hostname>

List some issues by created date,

jql ls --project NFT --created

... or priority,

jql ls --project NFT --priority

Ad-hoc JQL query,

jql ls -q 'resolution = Unresolved AND assignee in (currentUser()) ORDER BY priority DESC'

Create a new issue,

jql create --project NFT --important --summary 'Something broke'

Create a new issues with a description from stdin,

jql create -p NFT -s 'Uh-oh' < foo.txt 

Coment on an issue,

jql comment NFT-123 -m "do I not like this"

Open an issue (in your web browser),

jql show NFT-123

Obviously this integrates nicely with all the other shell tools,

Eg, Everything that's assigned to me,

alias me='jql ls -q "assignee = currentUser()"'

Eg, Top ten issues,

jql ls -p NFT --priority | head -n 10

Eg, Everything marked critical created this week,

alias p1='jql ls -q "priority = Critical AND createdDate > startOfWeek()"'

Eg, Create a issue for every error in your logs ;)

tail -f logs | grep 'error' | xargs -I % jql create -p NFT -s %


  • Close an issue, Eg. jql close NFT-123
  • Append a comment to an issue, Eg. jql comment NFT-123 -m "this is a comment"


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    • commuterjoy
    • mattandrews