
0.2.1 • Public • Published


On-screen tutorials for web pages and web applications


InstructorJS provides a simple way to add tutorials to your website or web application.

Check out the demo here, and the demo source here.


InstructorJS depends on JQuery version 2.2.4, JQuery ScrollTo version 2.1.2, and Konva version 4.1.2.


Pull it via Yarn/NPM, or grab the minified versions from this repository.

$ yarn add instructorjs


$ npm i instructorjs

Once installed, you'll import the javascript and css files into your page:

    <!-- import the InstructorJS styles -->
    <!-- import the InstructorJS dependencies -->
    <script src="/node_modules/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="/node_modules/konva/konva.min.js"></script> 
    <!-- import the InstructorJS library -->
    <script type="module" src="/node_modules/instructorjs/instructor.min.js">
      import {jqueryScrollTo} from 'jqueryScrollTo/jquery-scrollto.min.js';
      import {InstructorFactory} from 'instructor/instructor.min.js'


The default font for Instructor is Gemelli and should be placed at /fonts/gemelli.ttf.

You can override this in your sites CSS, to import from a different location or import another font altogether:

@font-face {
  font-family: "Pacifico";
  src: url("/path/to/fonts/Pacifico-Regular.ttf") format("truetype");
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
.instructor .instructor_label {
  font-family: "Pacifico""Arial";


Create an Instructor instance and pass a configuration object.:

    const instructorFactory = InstructorFactory();
    var instructor = new instructorFactory({
  onEnd: function(startNextTutorial, cb) {
    console.log("Tutorial Done!");

Then, you call the run() method, passing the array of tutorial Steps:[
    event: "next",
    description: "Hi, Welcome to the tutorial.  Click <em>Next</em> to begin!"
    event: "click",
    selector: "#btnSave",
    description: "Click the <strong>Save</strong> button to continue."
    event: "finish",
    description: "This completes the tutorial!"

For information on tutorials that span multiple pages of a website, see Multi-Page Tutorials

See below for information on step configuration:

Instructor Configurations

customValidators: (object) Collection of validation functions to use within steps. E.g. an email validator:

var instructor = new Instructor({
  customValidators: {
    emailValidator: function(value) {
      var emailRegex = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
      return emailRegex.test(String(value).toLowerCase());

onEnd: (function) Called when the tutorials are complete. Provides 2 arguments:

  • triggerNextTutorial: Passes the triggerNextTutorial from the main configs or final step config.

  • callback: If provided, should be executed after your onEnd logic is processed, to facilitate final cleanup.

onNext: (function) Invoked on each step of the tutorial.

onSkip: (function) Invoked when the user clicks the 'X' to skip the tutorial.

onStart: (function) Invoked when the tutorial begins.

nextLabel: (string) The label to show on the next button, default is Next

finishLabel: (string) The label to show on the finish button, default is Finish

sanitizer: (function) A function that takes string and returns the sanitized version of the string, used to do replacements within the step description text. Can be useful when needing to substitute values in the description, such as the host of a URL. For example:

var instructor = new Instructor({
  sanitizer: function(str) {
    str = str.replace(
      window.location.origin + window.location.pathname
    return str;

These configurations can exist on the main config object or on the final step config

navigateOnFinish: (string) An optional URL to navigate the browser to, upon completion of the tutorial.

navigateOnFinishTarget: (string) The window target, i.e. _blank, _self, etc

reloadOnFinish: (boolean) Reload the browser, upon completion of the tutorial.

triggerNextTutorial: (boolean) Passed to the onEnd() function, to indicate the next tutorial should be started.

Step Configurations

event: (string) The type of event that triggers advancement from this step. Types are:

  • next: Provides a next button and advances on button click.

  • trigger: Advances on a DOM event. See triggerEvent below.

  • auto: Immediately advances (no user interaction required).

  • finish: Provides a finish button and completes the tutorial upon click.

  • select: Advances on selection of an HTML select control.

  • submit: Advances on HTML form submission.

  • key: Advances on keystroke. See keyCode below.

description: (string) The text to display for this step. Can include HTML. See Description Styling below.

selector: (string) The CSS selector or element reference that corresponds to the area that will be highlighted (cutout and arrow).

preventInteraction: (boolean) Whether or not the user should be able to interact with the highlighted area | default: false

defaultValue: (string) The initial value to set on the input control (or any element supporting .val()).

eventSelector: (string) Use this to specify an alternate selector or element reference, when the element that you want to highlight differs from the one that will produce the event.

triggerEvent: (string) When using the trigger event type, this used to specify the event that will cause the trigger, such as click.

validation: (object) Validates a input control before allowing advancement. Properties include:

  • selector: (string) The CSS selector or element reference of the element that is going to be validated.

  • customValidator: (string) Optionally, the name of validator from the customValidators top-level configurations.

  • valueFunction: (string) The JQuery function to call on the element to get the value for comparison, e.g. "val","html","text",etc.

  • value: (string) The value to compare to the result of the valueFunction to test validity.

  • invert: (boolean) Whether the inverse of the value test is valid. Useful for testing for not empty when value is set to ""

exists: (boolean) Only runs the step if the selector is actually present on the page.

marginX/marginY: (number) Extra margin within the highlight area, making the cutout larger

bottom/left/right/top: (number) Reduces the size of the highlight area, making the cutout smaller (negative numbers have the opposite effect)

timeout: (number) Time, in millis, to delay before the step displays (such as waiting for a page animation to complete). | default: 100

noScroll: (boolean) When highlighting an element, do not try to automatically scroll the element into view. | default: false

preventAutoFocus: (boolean) When highlighting an element, do not apply focus automatically to the element. | default: false

scroller: (string|element) CSS selector or element reference that will be used to scroll the highlighted element into focus. | default: document.body

repositionEvent: (object) Used to reposition the text/highlight/arrow on a page event (things on the page moved around while the step was shown). Properties include:

  • selector: (string|element) CSS selector or element reference to listen for the event on.

  • event: (string) The name of the event to listen for.

shape: (string) The shape of the highlight cutout. Options are "rect" and "circle". | default: rect

radius: (number) If using a "circle" shape, this controls the radius of the highlight cutout. | default: computed off the max dimension of the element

onBeforeStart: (function) Invoked before the step is run.

onAfterEnd: (function) Invoked after the step is run.

isBootstrapEvent (boolean) If using Bootstrap, this can be used to handle Bootstrap events, such as setting the event property to, in order to advance the step when the Bootstrap modal is shown.

isTinyMce: (boolean) If using TinyMCE, set this to true, in order to set the defaultValue of the text editor. | default: false

scrollAnimationSpeed: (number) Controls the speed of the animation of the step content and scrolling (in millis). | default: 250

Description Styling

Within the step description HTML string, there are a few HTML tags that have been repurposed as short-hand for certain style characteristics. Classes are available, as an alternative.

They include:

<strong/>: Blue font color, generally used to draw attention to a specific word or phrase. | CSS class instructor_primary

<em/>: Green font color, generally used to indicate an action with positive outcome. | CSS class instructor_success

<del/>: Red font color, generally used to indicate an action with negative outcome. | CSS class instructor_danger

<ins/>: Yellow font color, generally used to indicate example text. | CSS class instructor_example

Multi-Page Tutorials

Often, you'll have tutorials that span multiple pages of a website, or need to continue after a browser refresh. InstructorJS does not maintain state, but does provide a few hooks that let you easily manage progress of a tutorial, so that you can resume a tutorial across navigation/reload. The Demo provided with InstructorJS illustrates this simply using LocalStorage, but you could store progress in whatever manner makes sense for your application.

The relevant parts of the demo explained:

//find the current tutorial Id stored in LocalStorage
var cachedTut = localStorage.getItem("instructor-tut");
//if it doesn't exist, then we're at zero (the beginning)
var finishedTut = cachedTut ? Number(cachedTut) : 0;
//Start InstructorJS
function runTutorial() {
  //Create an InstructorJS instance
  var instructor = new Instructor({
    onSkip: function() {
      //if we click the "X" button to skip the tutorial, let's remove any progress so far
    onEnd: function(startNextTutorial, cb) {
      //done with the tutorial, increment the counter and update LocalStorage
      localStorage.setItem("instructor-tut", finishedTut);
      //call the callback, mainly necessary for "submit" event types
      if (cb) cb();
      //if the tutorial is configured to kick the next tutorial on completion, start it
      //otherwise, clear out LocalStorage, so the demo can be restarted on next visit
      if (startNextTutorial) runTutorial();
      else localStorage.removeItem("instructor-tut");
  getTutorial(finishedTut + 1).then(data => {
    //checking a "route" arg, to make sure the tutorial should be run for the current page/route
    if (location.pathname.endsWith(data.route));
function getTutorial(tutId) {
  //grabs the tutorial data for the desired tutorial, which is stored in a
  //separate JSON file in the demo
  return fetch(`../tutorials/tutorial-${tutId}.json`).then(res => res.json());


Install build dependencies:

$ yarn install


$ npm install

Create the minified JS/CSS:

$ yarn build


$ npm run build


$ gulp

Run the demo locally:

$ node server.js

Then, navigate to http://localhost:8080/demo/website/index.html


Draws initial inspiration and code from EnjoyHint



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