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1.1.27 • Public • Published


html-strings-to-chakra is a easy-to-use npm package designed for converting HTML strings into Chakra UI components.

Based on html-react-parser

Note: Created for a spefisic project, to be updated to be more universal



import { parse } from  'html-strings-to-chakra';

parse("<p>Hello world!</p>")

<p class="chakra-text css-xxx">Hello World!</p>

Overwrite props

import { parse } from  'html-strings-to-chakra';

parse("<p>Hello world!</p>", {
    overwriteProps: {
	    p: {
		    as: 'h1'

<h1 class="chakra-text css-xxx">Hello World!</h1>

Disallow inline styles

import { parse } from  'html-strings-to-chakra';

parse("<p style="color:red;">Hello World!</p>", {
    disallowStyles:  true

Default component mapping

Element Component Props
h1 Heading as: 'h1', size: '3xl', mb: 'xs'
h2 Heading as: 'h2', size: 'xl', mb: '2xs'
h3 Heading as: 'h3', size: 'lg', mb: '2xs'
h4 Heading as: 'h4', size: 'md', mb: '2xs'
h5 Heading as: 'h5', size: 'md', mb: '2xs'
h6 Heading as: 'h6', size: 'md', mb: '2xs'
span Text as: 'span', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
a Link variant: 'inside-text', fontWeight: 'inherit'
abbr Text as: 'abbr', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
b Text as: 'b', fontWeight: 'bold', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
big Text as: 'big'
blockquote Text as: 'blockquote', variant: 'quote'
br Box as: 'br'
caption TableCaption
cite Text as: 'cite', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
code Text as: 'code', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
del Text as: 'del', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
div Text as: 'div', mb: '2xs'
em Text as: 'em', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
i Text as: 'i', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
li ListItem
ol OrderedList
p Text mb: '2xs'
pre Text as: 'pre', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
q Text as: 'q', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
s Text as: 's', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
small Text as: 'small'
strong Text as: 'strong', fontWeight: 'bold', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
sub Text as: 'sub', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
sup Text as: 'sup', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
table Table
tbody Tbody
td Td
th Th
thead Thead
tfoot Tfoot
tr Tr
u Text as: 'u', size: 'inherit', fontSize: 'inherit'
ul UnorderedList
img Image


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    • jflo